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We rest together for an hour, talking and admiring each other. This is the happiest I've been in a while and I can tell its the same for Eomer.
Our fingers entwine as we feel each other and look into each others eyes.

"I must go.." I say after while. "Legolas will wonder where I am."

I get up and Eomer tugs my arm back and I fall onto bed with a smile. We kiss once more.

"Can you not stay the night?" Eomer asks.

"I will tomorrow...I have to tell Legolas tonight. If I do not, I fear it will be harder to leave." I say as I stand up again.

I grab my clothing and place them back on, and pull my hair back into the up do it was styled in before.

"Your beauty amazes me." Eomer states as I turn back to him, his naked and muscular body resting on the bed, while his head rests on his hand.

"You know I see you the same way." I smile.

"I must go. I will see you tomorrow Eomer."
I open the door and leave.

I walk out of his quarters and pretend as if nothing has happened.

Aragorn is leaning over one of the bannisters, leading to the Golden Hall.

"Aragorn. Are you well this eve?" I ask.

"Kedealind..I thought you had left early, according to Legolas?" He asks.

"I...had meant to." I say, the guilt rising in my chest.

"Is everything well in your relationship with him? You seem distant when I speak of him to you." Aragorn wonders.

I nod unconvincingly.
"Actually, things are different."

I hold onto my Evenstar as I look to the ground.

He says.

I look up at him.

"How do you know?" I ask, surprised at this.

"I have seen the way you both look at each other, I recognise it in the way I see your sister. We have looked at one another the same way." He mentions. "You must tell Legolas."

"I was on my way to do just that. I feel guilt for feeling the way I do, however my love for Legolas has not been how it once was. We haven't been intimate, although he has wanted it, I have not." I admit. "You do not think ill of me do you?"

Aragorn smiles gently and shakes his head softly.
"No, you must be guided by your heart. If you do not have the love for Legolas that you once did, it would be foolish to stay with him. However, you must tell him as it would be unfair to keep him holding on to something that is beyond hope."

I nod.
"Yes. I care for him very much though, I hope we can still remain friends."

Aragorn smiles.
"I hope that for you both."

"I must go. Thank you Aragorn." I say, before walking down the steps and toward the room, me and legolas are temporarily staying in.

I knock on the door and enter, seeing Legolas up, looking out the window.

He turns to face me.
"Keddy, you said it was an early night for you, yet when I returned to the room you were gone."

"Legolas....I can explain." I reply.

"What is happening with you Kedealind? You have been acting strange as of late." He asks, clearly upset.

I walk towards him and place my hand on his cheek as he backs away from my touch.

"Legolas, I am sorry. I have something to tell you..."
I say, the anxiety building.

"Eomer..." he says.

My eyes widen in disbelief.

"It is obvious Keddy, I have seen you glance at him and he returns it. You wandered off to go to sleep, and shortly after, Eomer was gone. Were you...with him?" He asks, clearly annoyed.

"Please let me explain..." I say before he cuts in.

"Then say it not walk around it like you have been."

I nod.
"Fine, yes. You are correct. I have just come back from his quarters...I had meant to tell you about us after the battle but you seemed euphoric after our victory...I did not want to sour it for you."

"I thought you loved me, the way I love you Kedealind...I would give everything up for you. It seems you would not do the same..."
Legolas looks at the ground now,trying to keep his tears at bay.

"I care for you Legolas....I always will. I value you, just not in the way you seek..not anymore." I say, the tears now filling my eyes. "I am sorry."

"I have to get some air." He says, walking out of the room.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to myself amid the tears.

I sit on the bed and my head falls into the palms of my hands as I sob.

I feel awful knowing that I have made things difficult between me and Legolas, however I could not lie to myself anymore about my feelings. I had to do this but the guilt I feel is overbearing.

I find the courage to get up and wander the halls as I wipe the tears from my face. I walk past a room where I hear Theoden speaking to one of his advisors. He mentions Eomer's name, and I quietly wait outside, using the wall as cover.

"Tomorrow we must introduce them...they will align our Kingdoms, and do well, for the foreseeable future." Theoden says.

"Will he be willing to marry her?" The advisor asks.

My eyes widen and I am confused by this.

"Unfortunately he has no choice in the matter. He is betrothed to her, however he is unaware, I made the decision after my son passed. Theodred would have been the one to marry her had he still been here." Theoden replies with sorrow in his voice.

"Yes Sire. I will tell him in the morn." The advisor states.

I head off to the garden where I burst into tears.

I feel physically sick and feel my world crashing around me.

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