To Be A Wife

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The kingdom and many others from Middle Earth have joined us for a celebration of our love. Today I wed Eomer, and I must admit I feel a flutter in my heart as I think about my soon to be Husband.

I am dressed in an exquisite Pale Blue gown, adorned with beads.

I look in the mirror where I am getting ready and smooth down the skirt of my dress, as I admire the handiwork of my people. The fine detail, embroidered and the work put into the clothing.

" look just like your Mother..." I hear my father say as he enters the room.

I turn to see him. His arms behind his back.

His smile telling me how proud he is of me.

"I miss her." I say.

"Believe me daughter, she will be watching." He assures me as I take a deep breath.

I nod and smile slightly.

"I bring you something for your day..." he says, revealing what is in his hands as he brings them in front of him.

I look at it. A crown that shines with such brightness, that it lightens the room.
Beautiful. A marvel.

" is a magnificent beauty." I say in awe.

"It was your mothers. She wore it on our wedding day. She would want you to wear it for yours." He says proudly.

I feel the tears build in my eyes, as my father places the Elven crown on my head.

I can tell he is also holding back tears as his eyes well up.

I turn around to the mirror and see how I look as I now have the crown on.
I smile and turn back to my father and we embrace.

"I will make mother proud." I state as we both smile with happiness.

An hour later and I am walking down the Aisle with my father, ready for him to give me away to my love.

Eomer stands wearing Royal Blue attire, his hair neatly flowing.
His eyes look to me like he just won some sort of game or bid.

As we meet, he takes my hands.
"Keddy, you look..."

"Positively Nervous?" I say softly with a slight laugh.

He smiles and shakes his head.
"You look wonderful."

"Thank you My Lord. I appreciate greatly your words. You also look wonderful." I smile.

Once we are married we kiss deeply. I feel myself melt into his strong but comforting arms as we do.

There are cheers and applause from the Kingdom who have just watched our union.

That evening, we drink and celebrate at the Inn with a great feast, taking in my husband and our people.
Friends and family join us in dance and song, I cannot deny it is even more of a happy affair than I imagined.

As the night draws to a close, me and Eomer sneak off to our quarters. As soon as we close the door, our lips crash together and Eomer takes my hands to the wall above my head as he kisses down my neck.

I feel my core wet and wanting every inch of him.

He releases my hands from the wall.

"I wish.... for this dress...... to descend to the floor," he says with passion in between kissing.

I undo the corset and then pull the skirt down, revealing my intimacy.

Eomer sheds his clothing also, his thickness standing erect for me.

I kneel in front of him and take his length in my hand as I palm it back and fourth. Occasionally I will place my mouth over it and bob up and down, sending him wild as I taste him.

I hear a groan of pleasure from him as his head tilts back.

A little while after, we move to the bed where we kiss and he touches my intimacy. My core trembling at the circles he creates with his fingers.

I feel positively euphoric as I near my climax.
"Eomer....I am so close..." I say breathily.

"Release for me" He says as I hit my orgasm.

I scream a pleasurable sound as his fingers continue to work on me.

After I come down from my high, Eomer almost sends me over the edge again as he positions himself on the bed, with my core.

I open my legs wide for him and he can see I'm dripping wet at his touch.

"I wish for you to be inside me." I say before kissing him.

He gently finds my entrance and lines himself up with it, before thrusting inside.
He quickens his pace as he moves in and out of me, harder and faster as we move together.

"Keddy....I'm so glad you are my wife" He says as he continues to make love to me.

"And I am glad you are my husband." I reply. "I'm about to come undone!"

Suddenly I feel my core tighten around his lengthy member, my wetness taking over as I reach another orgasm.

I can tell Eomer is near, his breathing becomes shallow and I feel him even twitch at this pleasure.

He lets out a loud growl as his warmth releases inside of me.

"Eomer..." I say.

He pulls out and collapses beside me and we kiss once more.

I never knew I could be this happy.

But my life is better off with Eomer in it.

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