Denial (Eomer POV)

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I return from the training grounds with the Rohirrim, after a successful morning teaching the newer recruits our ways in battle. Swords, axes, short bows, long bows, spears...any weapon made to fight with was considered. Our trademark manoeuvres were taught to those not as knowledgeable, first time soldiers, or even elder gentlemen who wished to fight for their families, never even stepping foot in a battlefield. We guided these men in the art of defending and attacking, using the ways of the Rohirric armies of old.

After setting foot back in Edoras and tending to my steed at the stables, I enter the Golden Hall and meet with Theoden in his study.

"Uncle.." I say as I enter the room.

Theoden looks up from the papers he is signing and has a look of awkwardness spread across his face. I realise this meeting will not be an easy one.

"Some privacy please gentlemen." Theoden says before standing.

Gamling and Elfhelm leave, the former nodding to me before it is just me and Theoden.

"Eomer...I trust the preparations and training are coming along?" He asks, trying to ease gently into the on coming conversation.

I nod.
"They are...a few men are not fit for battle, but they deny sitting by and not helping. We may lose some during this war but we are prepared, more than ever."

"Good. And you are well my nephew?" Theoden asks.

"Please Uncle, we both know you haven't invited me for pleasantries. Why have you called a meeting with me?" I say.

Theoden let's out a sigh.
"I know you are opposed to the arrangement we have with Lothiriel. However, it will go ahead as soon as possible."

I look at him with disdain, almost in disbelief that he has gone through with this on my behalf.

"What do you mean as soon as possible?" I ask.

"Eomer, it is best to align our Kingdom with Dol Amroth quickly, we will have armies from both on our side of the battlefield. Think of it as insurance, for our people. Tomorrow you will marry the Princess. " Theoden says, trying to convince me of his ideals.

"Tomorrow? You couldn't have made it any earlier could you Theoden? I object to this, there is another way of insuring our people's safety and it is not by marrying a woman I do not know or have any desire to share the Throne with." I snap back.

"Enlighten me Eomer. Unless you marry another from an adjoining Kingdom...I know you are caught up in a love affair with Kedealind of Rivendell, but think of your people first." Theoden says, his voice now louder and stern.

"And they would have a King without hope and without love at their helm? I would be a worser man if I let Keddy go and married a woman who means nothing to me."

Theoden stares at me now with annoyance.

"Well you will learn to love Lothiriel, many have to go through this in order to do what is best for the Kingdom and our alliances. In fact I forbid you to see the Elf anymore. She is a distraction to you."

My patience is wearing thin as I feel a fire in my chest, the anger rising as I hear his words.

"Forbid me? You cannot deny me her Uncle! I will not allow you to come between us...I wish to wed her, not some Princess of Dol Amroth!" I reply, my voice raised, seething.

Theoden yells, before taking a deep breath.
"You WILL marry Lothiriel tomorrow. It is final. No qualms or objections."

"I would rather leave Rohan and let you do as you marry the woman if you are so set on it!" I yell back.

"Eomer, if you leave, you will be an enemy to our lands." Theoden says. "Be ready for dawn...Lothiriel and her father Imrahil will be here promptly."

Before I can say anything else, Theoden leaves the room not wanting to continue our disagreement.

I take a deep breath and sigh. If only he could grant me one more night with Keddy.

Even if I have to marry Lothiriel, I will still see Keddy if I am able, nothing will stop me from pursuing her and being her lover.

I walk out of the study and travel to my Quarters, ready to tell Kedealind of Theoden's plans.

I already hate this, for both of us.

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