What will Come to Pass

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I awake the next morning find that Eomer isn't beside me. I raise my head slightly to see if he is around the room, but no sign. My head aches, more than likely because of the stressful situations I have experienced and witnessed over the past few days.

I sit up gently and shuffle over to the edge of the bed where I move my legs down to the ground and stand.
My naked body feeling the cold air through the window, as a light breeze travels through the room.
I find my dress that has been flung half way across the room during our night together, and put it over my head, the skirt, falling down my body to the floor as I tighten my corset.

My hair is tousled from the activities me and Eomer were apart of, and from sleeping. I grab a brush from the top of the drawer and stroke it down my fiery red locks, untangling the knots as I go. I braid my hair to keep it from getting in the way, making sure I'm ready for whatever the day brings. I place the brush down and see an envelope that I hadn't seen before. It was some kind of brown parchment with my name upon it.

I take the letter delicately and release it from the envelope.

My Dear Kedealind,
If I have gone when you awake, please do not fear, for I am training with the Rohirrim this morn.
I shall return no later than early noon, for Theoden wishes to speak with me.

I eagerly await this evening, to see you once more.

All my love

I smile at the words on the paper. Eomer told me that showing his affection is something he finds difficult, however from what I have seen, he does it well...better than most. The letter, the way he looks at me, the way he speaks to me, touches me, there is no way in which anyone would say he lacks in showing his love.

Later on, I make my way down to the hall to see Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas. The latter I still wish to speak with.

As I do, I see Eowyn speaking with Aragorn, her face blushing at his words.

If I can tell anything, it is that she hold more than respect for him. It is the same way I look at her brother, the happiness one brings even when times are rife with strain and uncertainty.

Aragorn sees me approach in an almost look of relief.

"Kedealind, good morn." He says as Eowyn looks at me and smiles a knowing smile.

"Good morning. Is all well?" I smile, joining them.

"Yes, we were just talking about the morale in Rohan." Eowyn replies.

"It seems more joyful as of late, I believe we may be hopeful once more of winning the fight for Middle-Earth." I say happily.

"We couldn't have done it without the help of the Rohirrim and Gandalf. You are part of that Keddy, by helping Gandalf rally the Riders." Aragorn says with a light smile and a nod.

"Talking about rallying the Riders...how is my brother this morning?" Eowyn asked, knowing exactly what we had gotten up to the night before.

"I do not know Eowyn...I have not seen him." Not entirely a lie...

"Last night I trust?" She pushes.

I smile with a giggle.

"A Lady, even an Elven one, does not give details about her courtships. However, Eomer is a delight to be around." I smirk.

Aragorn's face changes at my words.

"Lady Kedealind, you are involved with Eomer?" He mentions, unaware of what had transpired over the last few days, despite him noticing the way me and Eomer look at one another.

I nod.
"Me and Legolas have parted ways romantically."

Aragorn had an idea, I can tell. Especially after the talk we had a few days prior.

"I am glad you are happy Keddy. Eomer is a good man, strong and a noble protector." He states.

"Thank you." I smile.

"You are the perfect couple...when he becomes King, the people of Rohan would be delighted at the prospect of an Elf being their Queen." Eowyn says.

I look to the ground now, trying not to burst into tears at the very thing Theoden will not allow.

"Thank you Eowyn." I smile, trying not to show my worry.

"Not to mention we'd be sisters in law!" She giggles happily, be nice to have another Lady around these halls.

I nod.
"I do not even know if we will marry, but I am enjoying my time with him...I guess we'll see where it takes us. If you excuse me, I have some errands to run, I will see you later."

I leave the hall and stand outside, taking a deep breath. My anxiety building at the thought of Eomer having to marry another.

I decide to take a horse and ride to Pellenor Fields, so I can gather my thoughts and relax before we find out what Theoden has in store for Eomer's future.

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