The Stand

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The Kingdom of Rohan gathered in their masses for what originally was meant to be a wedding, now it is a reunion between me and Eomer. I rush into the hall shortly after dismounting my steed.

I am greeted by Eowyn who looks more than worried.

"Kedealind?! Where have you been? We have been so worried!" She says flinging her arms around me.

"It is fine dear Eowyn." I giggle. "Where is your brother?"

"Still searching for you, I will go and tell the informants so he can return..." she replied.

"That is quite alright, I believe Legolas may know where he is, I think he has gone to find him." I say.

Shortly after, King Theoden storms into the hall and gives me a stare that could burn into anyone's soul.

"Get out of my halls...or so help me!" He said with gritted teeth.

"Theoden, you do not understand..." I begin.

"Do not give me your lies, I know it is you who is the reason Eomer did not get married on this day. You have much to answer for." Theoden hissed.

"I did not expect to fall in love my lord, and nor did Eomer." I bite back, feeling defensive over the way Theoden is speaking to me.

Suddenly the doors open and we turn to see the person on the other side.

"Eomer?!" I gasp before running to him.

I leap into his arms, which embrace me as we kiss passionately. His rough and slightly chapped lips connecting with my own. I feel safe now, like this is where I belong.

He places his hands on either side of my face, and checks to see if I am well.

"Stay...." he says, as we kiss again.

"But...the King..." I say.

Eomer looks over to Theoden, with a look of displeasure.
"I will deal with the King."

I rest my hand on his chest, like a motion for him to stop.
"This is not Theoden's desire. He does not wish for you to be unhappy, he only does this for his Kingdom and his people."

"He would stop me from seeing you Kedealind....I cannot deny that brings me great anguish." Eomer states.

I rest my hand on his cheek.
"Please do not treat him harshly. He cares for you and Eowyn greatly, and the freedom of your people."

He looks to me again and then to Theoden.

He walks over the the King, with crowds of people standing around the hall.

"You would deny me my happiness Uncle.. " he says through gritted teeth.

"Eomer, when you are King you will understand that not everything falls into place. I do not wish to see you at your wits end, however it is my duty to see that our people are strengthened in numbers and that they are safe. Especially within this war." Theoden admits, as the two face up to each other.

"We can make peace with other lands without the need of a false marriage. If I am to marry, it would be with Kedealind." He states. "So do not speak to her in that manner."

"She is the reason you would not marry the Princess Eomer! Had it not been for the Elf, Lothiriel is a perfect match for you." Theoden fights back.

Eomer shakes his head.
"Lothiriel is a match for Theodred, not me. That was original plan was it not? After Theodred passed, I replaced his duties...Besides, I spoke with Lothiriel and she does not desire marriage. Two people who do not wish to be bound in matrimony...our lives would be miserable."

"I take my leave, Uncle. I do not wish to fight with you anymore. If I cannot be with the woman my heart desires, then I cannot be King. I choose her." Eomer says boldly.

"Goodbye Theoden."

Theoden is frustrated now, his eyes showing every bit of annoyance.

He says as Eomer returns to me, our hands together, interlocking fingers.

Eomer looks back at his Uncle.

"There is no other person alive that I wish to take the role of King when I pass. If you desire romance with the Elf then so be it, just do not let it distract your duties." Theoden says with a sigh.

Eomer nods in acknowledgement.
"Thank you Uncle."

"Please use her name, do not refer to her as 'The Elf'".

Unbeknownst to us, the room where the people of Edoras have stood around, begin to clap and cheer.

I look at Eomer as he does with me and we both smile. We are relieved that we may now spend our days together, without having to hide.

We kiss again, sending the crowd into a frenzy.

Some good news for the Kingdom and for us.

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