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I ride out to the nearest forest where I can gather my thoughts and read. My back rests against an oak tree and I melt into the silence and lush greenery of the area. This place has not been destroyed by the Orcs like many others, presumably because it lies quietly behind a lake, where a waterfall is the entrance.

I wipe a tear from my eye as I keep thinking about what me and Eomer had.

My book distracts me from the sadness and fills my mind with wonder as I read a few chapters.

The last thing I did before leaving Edoras was write a letter to Eomer about my leave. I could not be the reason he defies his King, so I have to remove myself from his life.

The note read;

My love,
I write to thee to declare my love. Alas, I cannot stay as I fear going against your Kingdom would be a grave mistake.
Our time together has been nothing short of pleasurable, and I have a sense of hope when I am with you.
I am a distraction to you and you are to me, which is why I take my leave.
Maybe in another life we can truly be together.

I hope one day we may meet when you have married and are King.

I wish you all the happiness in this dark and bitter world.

All my love

The words I wrote constantly cross my mind and I have some regret about writing it...and leaving.

I look up from my book as I hear footsteps sneaking.

Standing quietly, I grab a dagger from my bag and turn to face the culprit, attacking as I do. A hand stops me by grabbing my wrist and I see their face.

I drop the dagger and he lets go of my wrist.

"What have I said about stealth Kedealind? Hide first, attacking in plain sight will get you killed."

I sigh a breath of relief.

"Legolas." I say. "How did you know where I would go?"

"I know you. I know your preferred type of area....peaceful woodlands." He replies, still looking unhappy with me but calmed slightly since our last interaction.

"I guess you do. However, a forest behind a waterfall is not the easiest to find." I smirk.

"We are Elves Keddy, we have exceptional hearing."

I nod at his remark.

"Why are you here? Are you well?" I ask with concern.

Legolas nods.
"I cannot deny I miss you and your presence greatly, however I must accept that you are happy with Eomer.."

I scoff half heartedly,
"You do not have to worry about Eomer. He is to be wed today to a Princess of Dol Amroth, so I will not be seeing him again."

"That does not explain why he has left Edoras to look for you.." legolas explains as my eyes widen.

I sigh.
"What do you mean? He has to marry this woman, it will align the Kingdoms, which is what Theoden wants...I told him he cannot go against his King."

"Well he has, and sent a search party with him. Of course Theoden is less than pleased." Legolas replies.

"You would be fine with me being with him if it meant you and I were only friends? Surely you'd want me to leave him after the other night..." I say, frustrated.

"I thought everything over. All my pains and all my wants...nothing compares to the woman I love being happy. If you were to stay with me and be miserable, I could not stand it. I love being around you Kedealind and I do not want that to change...even if you would choose another." Legolas admitted. "Eomer is a good man, I know he will treat you right."

I smile and place my hand delicately on  his cheek. He leans into my touch.

"Thank you Legolas. I cannot tell you how thankful I am to have you as a friend."

"And I you."

I move my hand away and pack up the bag that I had carelessly thrown to the ground when I arrived.

"Where do we go? I'm guessing Theoden does not want me to step foot into Edoras." I ask, preparing my horse for the ride.

"Eomer asked that if you are found, to meet at the Golden Hall. 'Theoden be damned' were the words he used."
Legolas smirked.

I smile and shake my head.
"That does sound like something he would say. Would you help bring my horse through the waterfall? Then we can ride back together?"

Legolas nodded.
"Yes My Lady, how you managed to get him here in the first place is a mystery."

"I'm an Enigma, Legolas" I wink.

Legolas took hold of the strap on the bridle of my steed, walking beside me as we heard back to the Golden Hall.

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