Chapter 11 -Meeting Dad-

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Chapter 11 -Meeting Dad-

As the Cafeteria started to clear out Jasper walked me to the next class that I shared with Rose. Jasper held his hand on the small of my back as he lead me the way and I decided to lean closer to him on my way there. As we walked down the halls I could see out some of the windows of the classroom rain drizzling outside. Making me wonder what I want to do after school.

I walked into the classroom saying "Buenas Tardes, la señora," and found my seat next to Rose.

 She glared at me as I sat next to her. 

"¿Qué?"(What) I asked her. 

She rolled her eye's "Sabero está poniendo a mi familia en peligro." (You knowing is putting my family in danger) 

I frowned and responded, "Te lo prometo, nunca se lo diría a nadie ni intentaría poner a tú familia en peligro." (I promise you, I would never tell anyone, or try to put your family in danger.) I looked solemnly in her eyes trying to get my word across.

First, she seemed surprised that I could fluently speak to her in Spanish.

 (sorry if this isn't right I could find only so much in my Spanish textbook, so I used google translate... sorry)

"Por favor, quiero ser tú amiga, no tú enemiga." I pleaded with her. (Please, I want to be your friend, not your enemy.)

"Todavía no apruebo tú elección." She said sternly. (I still don't approve of your choice.)

"entiendo," (I understand) She smiled and the teacher started the class. Honestly, it was kind of boring and slow mainly cause I was dreading P.E.

Once she dismissed class Rose and I got up and walked to the door to be greeted by a tense Jasper. "All Alice told me was you two were talking." He said sternly looking at Rosalie. She smiled "Between her and her sister, I prefer Tiffany." And walked off.

"It was an interesting class," I said sarcastically to him, and he laughed at me.

"Alice said she was giving you a cold shoulder." I laughed at that comment. 

"I don't think she was... She was just being protective of her family and I respect that. It would make me anxious if Bella started dating Edward and told her some sort of dark family secret that doesn't exist but say it did and put us in danger.. though I know we don't have any. I hope."

He smiled at my rambling and seemed to be listening. 

"Sorry," I said blushing when I had caught myself. 

"Never apologize for that, it's adorable," he said pulling me to his side leading me to the gym.

As I saw the gym I stopped walking completely and nearly fell face-first because he didn't notice at first however he caught me in time and looked at me in confusion.

"What is it, Tiffany?" He asked quietly. 

 "Do I have to go?" I asked slightly whining. Looking for a getaway so I didn't have to go.

"Sadly you do, or you're going to fail dear." He said. I melted and forgot what my plan was to escape.

I nodded he slowly stopped outside the door hesitantly kiss my forehead and rushed off to his class.

I slid my feet on the ground slowly walked to the girl locker room and changed begrudgingly, doing so in a timely manner while also dragging my butt so to get out before getting in trouble however being the last out. Once out I walked over to Bella, stood next to her, and did a once over of the room identifying all the nameless faces I had come to be familiar with.

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