Chapter 18 -Hunting Bella-

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They all emerged from the forest one by one having a great distance apart from each other. The first male into the clearing fell back immediately, allowing the other male to take the front. It seemed like they were making a show of who led the pack. Then there was a woman who had bright red hair.

They collected as a group before coming over to us in a cat-like walk, animalistic, they showed alike respect to the larger group as preditors. It was clear the difference between the Cullens to them. I looked up at Jasper and down the line, Jasper position me on the opposite end of Bella and Edward. The huddled line made our group look bigger, especially with there being 10 of us there.

Jack and Emmet took the step forward yet were still very close to our group. They all had deep burgundy eyes the light brown-haired one's eyes were much more sinister than the other two. 

"We thought we heard a game," he said with a relaxed voice that the slight hints of a french accent. "I', Laurant and these are Victoria and James." He gestured to the vampires beside him.

"I'm Carlisle. This is my family, Emmett and Jack, Rosalie, Esme and Alice, Jasper and Tiffany, and then Edward and Bella." He pointed us out in groups, not deliberately pointing out groups and I could feel Jasper giving out an aroura of him and me being not special or unsuspecting.

"Do you have room for a few more players?" Laurant asked friendly. Carlisle matched his friendly tone. "Actually we were finishing up. But we'd certainly be interested another time. Are you planning to stay in this area long?"

"We were headed north, in fact, but we were curious to see who was in the neighborhood. We haven't run into any company in a long time."

"No this region is usually empty except for us and the occasional visitor, like yourselves."

The tense conversation had slowly subsided into a casual conversation; Though I'm sure that had to do with Jasper.  

"The Olympic Range here, up and down the coast ranges on occasion. We keep a permanent residence nearby. There's another permanent settlement like ours up near Denali."

Laurent looked surprised. "Permanent? How do you manage that?" seeming to be honestly surprised.

"Why don't you come back to our home with us and we can talk comfortably?" Carlisle invited. "It's a rather long story."

James and Victoria looked surprised, by the mention of home.

"That sounds very interesting and welcome." His smile was gentle.

"we've been on the hunt all the way down from Ontario, and we haven't had the chance to clean up in a while." His eye's moved appreciably over Carlisle's refined appearance.

"Please don't take offense, but we'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from hunting in this immediate area. We have to stay inconspicuous, you understand," Carlisle explained.

"Of course." Laurent nodded. "We certainly won't encroach on your territory. We just ate outside of Seattle, anyway," He laughed. Sending a shiver down my spine.

"We'll show you the way if you'd like to run with us- Emmett and Alice, could you go with Jasper, Tiffany, Bella, and Edward to go get the Jeep and Kia." He casually added.

A lot had happened at once, a light breezed passed us, so Bella's scent passed right, James. Not mine or it would have been a different direction. Edward bared his teeth, crouching in defense of Bella, a feral snarl ripping from his throat. It scared me to death honestly. Along with the crouching, jasper pushed me right behind him.

"What's this?" Laurent exclaimed in surprise. Neither James nor Edward relaxed their aggressive poses. James moved, Edward moved.

"She's with us." Carlisle's rebuff was directed toward James. 

Laurent seemed to catch Bella's scent less powerfully than James, but awareness now dawned on his face. "you brought a snack?" He asked, he looked incredulous as he took an involuntary step forward.

Edward snarled even louder and you could hear it rumbling in his chest.

"I said she's with us," Carlisle corrected in a hard voice.

"But she's human," Laurent protested. The words were not aggressive but gave away his astonishment. "Yes," Emmett said his voice hard. Jasper and I back up some as we heard the conversation continue, Jasper's using his power on blast to hide my existence. 

"We'll show you the way. Jack, Rosalie, Esme?" He called. They gathered together and Jasper, brings me beside Bella and we were blocked from view, away from James. 

"Let's go Bella." Edward's voice was low and bleak

Once we got to the Woods. Jasper had me jump onto his back and once he had a grip on me we ran, Edward, leading. Jasper rushed me into my car. I get in my seat and looked at him. I buckled up and turned to him. "Take me to the house so I can get Charlie off our backs. Please." I said shaking violently. Fear, Anxiety, Worry, and sadness of the situation piled on me in waves. 

"Tiffany! He is a tracker." Jasper yelled. "Yes but He'll find dad, and what if he kills my Dad, and I need to call mom, let me get them safe then you can take me where the hell you want.

He thought for a second then turned around speeding for my house. Once he hit city limits he slowed down as we started down the road, I saw Bella's Truck and the Jeep speed by and a flash of something. "Was that?" I asked tears streaming down my face. Jasper nodded, "Is the tracker, James.." Jasper pulled into the driveway. "The Tracker followed them. Go in Tell charlie we are going to go after her. I will come in with you. We don't have time, so rush. Ok?" 

I nodded.

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