Chapter 20 -Vampire 101-

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March 14th, 2005

I woke up when We got to the hotel. Alice got one of the hotel suits that have the bed in one room and a living room-like space with a pullout bed. I insisted on giving Bella the bedroom and slept on the pull-out bed with Jasper. The room or suite. Whatever you want to call it, was pretty bland, you know your usual hotel room with a bible.

We had gone on a three-day trip in one day, I didn't dare to go and look at the speedometer. I had fallen twice asleep again I don't remember when I fell asleep the second time. But I woke to the rumble of jasper's voice asking Bella a question.

"Which way to the airport, Bella?" Jasper had asked, though his voice was quiet, with a deadly silent drive, with the only sound being the purring of the car. His talking startled us both. 

"Stay on the I-10," Bella replied automatically. "We'll pass right by it."

It was silent for a bit longer I was starting to slowly fall back asleep when Bella seemed to wake up cause she started asking another question.

"Are we flying somewhere?" She asked Alice.

"No, but it's better to be close, just in case."

Afterward, we started the loop around and I fell back asleep till the car stop. That is when I instantly woke again. Alice parked the car, so I got up nearly instantly. Looking at sleeping Bella I looked at Jasper, "Could you carry her, if it's not too much." He nodded and stopped breathing picking her up as I grabbed all the bags and my suitcase. Following him inside the hotel. Alice had come over to us with two keys, She lead us to the stairs, grabbing the majority of the bags and my suitcase. I kept my bathroom bag and followed up to the room. 

Alice soon single-handed opened the door,

"Jazz put her on the bed, I'll use the pullout couch." I yawned out. I slipped off my shoes and Alice pretty much set up the pull-out couch in like two seconds. I looked at Alice and Jasper, and sat up on top of the bed feeling dejected. 

"Go to sleep darlin'," Jasper said, looking at my pitiful state. I looked back and forth between him and Alice and then looked at Alice. "Is it okay if-" She interrupts my question and say "Of course, it won't bother me." and sat in the reclining chair beside the couch and turned on the TV. 

I turned to Jasper Who crawled into bed with me and held me till I fell asleep again.

I woke up at 2:30 am with my head on Jasper's chest and him rubbing my back. I eventually sat up and looked around. Jasper sat up with me. 

"Goodmorning darlin', it's early you should go back to sleep." He said gently petting my hair. 

"I Can't," I mumbled getting up and standing up. I stretched and looked around starting to feel hungry. "Where-" Jasper handed me a plate with a cover, I go over to the tiny table and sat and ate, till Alice got up and tapped lightly on Bella's door

"Can I come in?" Alice asked her. She had gone in not long afterward so I assumed that Bella had agreed.

I finished up my food and drank some water. I placed my dishes in the sink, and said "I wash them later when I need something to do." Jasper chuckled at my words. 

Alice leads Bella out into the living room and I decide I wanted to take a shower so I slipped into the room and grabbed some underwear and leggings then went straight to jasper's bag and took a blue t-shirt. I purpose took forever to shower so I could waste time. 

I literally for the first time in my life took 4 hours to get ready for the day. What an accomplishment right?

The morning continued to drown on I spent most of my time on Jasper's lap, watching movies on the cable TV. We were watching TV when I heard Bella Pestering Alice about how everyone is and if they are safe. It annoyed me because I was starting to get curious but I didn't want Jasper to feel as if he had to tell me.

"Would you tell me the truth, though?

"Yes, I will always tell you the truth." Her voice being eranest.

"Tell me then.. how do you become a vampire?"

Her question had caught Alice off guard and honestly despite how annoyed I was getting wanted to hear the answer to the question. Jasper didn't try to distract me so I took it as he was okay with me knowing, but then again he isn't hiding anything from me purposefully anymore.

"Edward doesn't want me to tell you that," she said firmly, but I could tell she wanted to tell her, and me.

"that's not fair. I think I have a right to know." Ok, bells. yes, I think we should know so that we can make choices off on it. But it is not your right to know. We should be dead for know they are vampires and you just want to have them tell you everything? no. 

"I know."

We both stare at her, waiting.

She sighed. "He'll be extremely angry."

"It's none of his business. This is between you and me. And Tiffany. Alice as a friend, I'm begging you." Honestly, while  I don't agree with how Bella is doing this I'm happy she is learning about what will happen in what she keeps asking for.

"I'll tell you the mechanics of it," She says finally, "but I don't remember it myself, and I have never done it or seen it done, so keep in mind that  I can only tell you the theory."

"As predators, we have a glut of weapons in our physical arsenal--much, much more than really necessary. The strength, the speed, the acute senses, not to mention those of us like Edward, Jasper, and I, who have extra senses as well. And then like a carnivorous flower, we are physically attractive to our prey."

I felt Jasper's arms wrapped around me and I lean back against him listening to Alice.

"We're also like sharks in a way. Once we taste the blood or even smell it for that matter, it becomes very hard to keep from feeding. Sometimes impossible. So you see, to actually bite someone, to taste the blood, it would begin a frenzy. It's difficult on both sides--The bloodlust, on the one hand, the awful pain on the other."

"Why do you think you don't remember?" Bella asked genuinely curious and so was I.

"I don't know. For everyone else, the pain of transformation is the sharpest memory of their human life. I remember nothing of being human." Her voice was wistful.

I soon fell asleep in Jasper's arms on the recliner and woke to be laid on a bed, in the room, by Jasper. I soon fall quickly back into a deep sleep. I felt happy and whimsically in my dreams. I eventually felt warm arms wrapped around me and fell back into a deep sleep.

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