Chapter 21 -Bella Running to Death's Door-

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March 16th, 2005

I woke up late, Bella was already in the other room with Alice and Jasper. I sat up looked around the room and stretched. I looked over at Jasper's packed bag and grabbed a hoodie of his, some lacy underwear from mine, and some cotton shorts from mine. Once I was dressed I made everything packed back up and came out. 

"What's happening?" I whispered to Alice as Bella went into the bedroom instantly on the Phone.

"Jasper is checking us out, You and him are going to be going to Ireland to hide. Jack and I will guard your mom's house. Edward will go off with Bella, then Carlisle and the rest will hunt him down and get rid of him." Alice said shakily. 

She looked up at Bella who fained hope. "Mom was worried, she wanted to come home. But it's okay, I convinced her to stay away. I felt confused apparently, mom despite my best efforts and decided to come home, thankfully she convinced her otherwise. 

"We'll make sure she's fine, Bella, don't worry."

Bella turned away, I look at my shoes by the couch and lipped them on, and tied the laces.

Bella asked if she could write a letter to mom and Alice agreed. I felt like something was off, but ignored it as I needed to focus on Jasper and not get us into a mess, that I couldn't humanly get us out of.

Bella fairly quickly wrote her letter, I fidgeted with my bags pulling and placing them by the door ready to leave at a moment's notice. I sat on the couch zoned out, staring out the door. I didn't notice anything till Jasper rushed into the room going to Alice and looking at her asking if she was ok.

"What is it?" He demanded from her.

She hid in his chest, "Bella," she said. 

"I'm right here," she replied.

I started zoning out again.. having an awful feeling that I wouldn't even reach Ireland.

I was pulled out of my la la land when Jasper grabbed my arm and both of our suitcases Alice grabbing her's and Bella's. We went into the car, Jasper seem to now take notice of me and gave me a worried glance  I didn't react. I just stared out into a mist and in a split second decision that nothing was going to happen to Bella despite the plans to separate us I sat in the car a bit long writing a note that I would slip in Jasper's pocket. 


            I'm sorry that I have to do this. But she's my sister and I will do all I can to help her survive. Even if it comes to my life being at risk. I know I never said it out loud to you but I love you, Jasper. I love you so so much, but I also love my sister and as her sister, I need to protect her.

                                                                                                                          All my love and adoration, 


I slipped it into my pocket and followed them in as Alice talked to the lady about our tickets I look at Jasper, and say "Jasper," He looked down at me and I wrapped my arms around his waist and then used one arm to pull his chin down and kissed him urgently, the other slipped the note into his back pocket.  

He returned the kiss just as urgently I break the kiss and say "Jasper, I love you." I state to him. Bella hands her letter to Alice.

"I think I will eat now," Bella said quickly. 

Alice stood as did I, she grimaced and said "Do you mind if Jasper comes instead?" She asked Her eyes filled with all kinds of emotions. "I'm hungry too, " I added and Alice looked confused but nodded.

Jasper walked silently between us having his hands on the small of our backs, as he was guiding us. Bella seemed disinterested in the cafes, and once Alice was out of sight, she saw a bathroom, she asked "Do you mind?" Jasper as we passed. "I'll just be a moment Once she started heading I looked at him and said "I'll go with her, just in case." and followed her in catching the door and getting in to see her running off to the other exit, not having time to alert Jaz, I chased after her.

She was a great distance in front of me when she exited the glass doors closing on me and took too long in opening I saw her ride off in a shuttle. Huffing in furstraition, tears going down my cheek. I turn around not remembering which way I came and noticed I had no phone.

I spun around and looked for anything familiar than the path Bella had just gone. When Jasper, Edward, Alice, Jack, Emmett, and Carlisle came. I looked up at them with tears, "I tried to catch her, but she got the doors to close on me so I could reach her!" Edward looked in agony, and glared "You could have caught her!" He bellered. 

That's when Jasper pulled me into his arms and Growled at him. "Alice looked divided and then said, "Edward That is not true, but we need to get moving now! Jasper and Tiffany should take the Mercedes and we need to move!" 

Jasper held me tight, but not too tight to crush me, and said "I found your letter, why did you think to follow her? You could have gotten lost. Baby." He whisper and then lead us to the Mercedes as we headed to it we got a phone call from Alice, "You are going to have to meet us at the hospital, ok?" But before we could answer the call ended.

Jasper kissed me deeply before opening the door and helping me into the front passenger seat. and Drove us to the hospital.

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