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Small note! [Thank you to everyone who welcomed me back! I missed writing so much! I'm going to add some stuff at the end like a little authors note just to let ya'll in a little on my life but till then I hope you enjoy the story!]

(This is going to have some elements of dgr2)

3RD Person pov:
The despair disease had been set loose the only thing anyone was aware of was that it would effect one person, this was in order to "Get everyone to work together" 'Sadly' for the group Kokichi, the trouble maker had been chosen by fate. No one knew this day would come so quickly. No one realized how quickly everything would be over.
The first victim Tsumugi. Though she was the mastermind, she had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, Kokichi had no sense anymore no morality, no right from wrong. The knife in his hand knew no better, The knife in Tsumugis spine meant nothing to Kokichi, He felt his sanity drip away like the blood from his classmates, as one by one he hunted them down, he felt like a prisoner in his own body he could see everything, he was conscious of everything he screamed and screamed with no noise to escape. He wanted to stop he wanted this to be over he wanted to throw the knife as far away as he could, the rules were no more than 2 murders, so why was this going on? Had Kokichi single handedly taken out the master mind? fear and questions filled his mind until one factor became very clear to him. . .there was one person left not including him. "Oh god Shuichi" His body moved on his own his movements sloppy, his feet dragged with the weight of his dead classmates as he reached Shuichis door, he passed by bodys of former friends he had sworn to himself to protect, none of them knew how much he truly cared, he spread despair laced with hope which always came off as him being an asshole l but he did care, he WANTED people to make it out safe even if no one else understood, this is why as he reached Shuichis room he managed to scream out, his voice cracked and broke as he tried to escape this nightmare he knew there was no waking up from. The scream alerted Shuichi as he ran from his room, His former classmate dripping in blood and clear claw marks from the struggles of previous friends littered his body, fear left Shuichi frozen as did Kokichi

Kokichis pov: I mustered up all the strength I could tears pooling in my eyes as I grabbed my wrist which cupped the knife, I was worn out from my own strength against myself, my eyes screamed for help, I was silently begging Shuichi to rip it out...

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Kokichis pov:
I mustered up all the strength I could tears pooling in my eyes as I grabbed my wrist which cupped the knife, I was worn out from my own strength against myself, my eyes screamed for help, I was silently begging Shuichi to rip it out my hands. Relief flooded my body as he grabbed for my hand slicing both our palms in the process, but I couldn't care less. The damp feeling of blood dripping to my sleeves thankfully from my own body this time brought some sense back to my body.
"What the FUCK have you done Kokichi!?"
I felt a heavy thump against my chest as I snapped back to reality instantly collapsing onto my knees, the most heart wrenching scream left my lips, I didn't care to keep up this act with Shuichi, it was just us. We were the only survivors, I looked up to him pure dread, self-hatred and despair filling me. "I-I DIDN'T MEAN T-TO! I I COULDN'T STOP I-I FELT LIKE I WAS SUFFOCATING" I could feel my breathes quickening more than I could keep up with, my brain cleared as Shuichi cupped my face "Kokichi. . . What did you do, I need you to tell me!"
"I KILLED THEM SHUMAI THEY'RE ALL DEAD" I saw Shuichi turn pale as he backed away from me "A-All of them"
"I-Its just us Shuichi"
Silence crowded the room it felt suffocating just like the despair I experienced, I curled into myself the smell of blood causing me to gag. I ripped my scarf from my body leaving me in my shorts and vest underneath my normal uniform. The disgust I felt in myself couldn't even begin to form into words. Shuichi watched my each move, I could tell he was scared, scared if this was another lie, scared if he would be next, scared because I had LIED for so long he couldn't tell if this was a trap. I knew his was angry I knew he wanted me dead. But he knew as well as I did it was the disease, he knew he had to burry these feelings. "What happens now. . ." Shuichi finally broke the silence
"Does it end? Will this ever end? Please. . .please let it end. . .I can't go on in this place"

*Small time skip*

Me and Shuichi split up for a bit for me to shower and change, as Shuichi tries to find an escape or any hints if we can excape the game now we were the last two. I come out my room, being in the open helps my brain feel like its not suffocating as much as the horrific scenes played through my head. "SHUICHI" I called his name out as I heard feet scatter over to me, He looked hopefully "DID U FIND A WAY OUT" I feel the smallest smile creep onto my face, Suddenly Shuichi puts his hand on my shoulder. It only just became apparent to me I've been shaking this entire time. "Hey. . . I'm not mad. . we'll find a way out I wasn't successful but after all you are the greatest supreme leader. . .so maybe you'll have more luck"
"If the ultimate detective can't find it. . .I feel a little lost Shumai. . ."
Shuichi pulls me into a hug soothing me "It wasn't you Kokichi. . . I'm sorry I couldn't stop you, you must have been so scared"

With that single sentence I begin to bawl my eyes out as he slowly sinks to the floor with me. I know I'm safe with him but the memorys haunt me. I don't want this to be forever, I want a future with him by my side.

⚠️A/N⚠️: Just a little update on why I've been gone, I got kicked out, I started college, I moved in with my dad, I nearly game overed myself like multiple times this year sorry ya'll was in a silly goofy mood I got new diagnosis for multiple disorders! YAYYY I'm now going into Phycodynamic therapy due to it being so severe woo! but I'm so sad I stopped writing its so therapeutic even if writing the end of stories give me actual greivence lmao but I'm going to write more this year sorry for falling off for an entire year, thank you to everyone for such a warm welcome back I deadass nearly cried I'm so lucky to have such a nice community, thank you for sticking with me through this and not giving up I love ya'll so much

Word count: 1203

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