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This is my first smut chapter ever bc uh new years new becomings I guess- idk BUT ⚠️🔞SKIP THIS CHAPTER IF SEXUAL CONTENT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE ALSO IF UR UNDER 16 SKIP THIS FOR THE SAKE OF ME I DON'T WANT U READING SMUT🔞⛔️

A/n This is set as a college au x (continuation from the new year's party!)

Kokichis pov:
Me and Shumai had decided at least for the first few weeks we'd keep our relationship secret, the idea of easing Kaede into the fact her boyfriend she was lowkey homophobic with was actually soon to be her homo ex boyfriend in love with his other homo roommate seemed worlds away from being possible, this system HAD been working pretty well as Shuichi had been distancing himself from Kaede in this process to soften the blow, however Kaede had decided she wasn't having this, Kaede had decided to invite herself around to mine and Shuichis shared dorm room. Due to the unexpected visit I had no scape goat, so much to my distaste there I was sat there watching this girl throw herself at her- I mean my boyfriend?

I could see Shuichi stare his silent apology as he kissed at Kaede, god he was not good at keeping up this act, it had actually shocked me how much Shuichi had changed, once I found out the truth his tone changed very quick the idea of making out or being intimate with his girlfriend seemed to deflate him. Trust me though watching it wasn't anywhere near as nice, I wanted to be in her place I wanted that intimacy without the fear. . . why was there fear though between us? We could take on the world, why were we acting as though we couldn't take on anyone who had a problem with us I am the ultimate supreme leader after all I could get my gang on ANYONE who had an issue. I huffed turning back to my phone, I knew this is what I had gotten myself into, I agreed to this after all. Agreed to waiting. Agreed to watching. Shuichi noticed me clearly getting wound up I smiled warmly trying to hide the slight anger in me "Hey Kaede me and Koko are going to have a guys night if that's chill I'll hang with you tomorrow" I held in my sigh of relief as Kaede stood up "Hmph FINE But you owe me!" Shichi rolled his eyes behind Kaedes back as he brought her into a hug "Sure thing darling" She leaves the room with her annoying fake giggle as a small silence fills the room.


Shuchis pov: "Hey Sh-" I cut Kokichi off pinning him to the wall "Hey hey Shuichi! whats-" I softly push my knee between his thighs silencing him with another kiss "I'm so sick of it Kokichi. I'm sick of her hands all over me when I want you, I want to mark you up with my kisses and let her know who I-I truly love." I feel my cheeks flush up as I'm never usually this direct but I meant every word and didn't want my stupid stuttering to ruin it. Our warm breaths mixed as I waited for an answer "Do it then Shuichi nehehee~. I don't want to hide anymore." I don't wait for a second as I push him onto my bed, I grind my knee against his trousers waiting for his body to react, I slip his scarf from his neck as I leave hickeys over his neck, People can assume where he got them. But he'll know. Kaede. Will. know. I smirk to myself noticing a reaction from Kokichis cock, but not yet I know I've made him wait to have me as his, for everyone to know so I know he can hold on a little longer. "S-Strip for me Kokichi" I smile warmly knowing me demanding him to do something will wind him up
"Oh c'mon Shumai! No way you. Mr detective~ Shuichi Saihara ultimate stutter treating ME like the bottom"
"You're the one w-who's hard from me pinning you to a wall and grinding against you so guess what you ARE going to be the bottom tonight" I say with control in my voice, Kokichi shot a playful glare back as he pressed his body to mine unbuttoning his shirt between us, I followed suit feeling like I could finally breathe, I could feel all of his top half against me and I wouldn't change it for the world, I softly pushed his hair back gliding my hands through his hair "Are you sure you're ready honey?" He laughed softly pulling off his trousers "More than ready Shuichi I've been waiting for you since the day we met~" I softly punched his shoulder to bring some light to the situation as I lifted his legs beginning to rim his hole with my fingers "Oh please Kokichi . . .You know as well as I do you had way too many trust issues for that to not be a lie " I stuck my fingers in his mouth pushing them to the back of his throat as a warning and indicator for him to suck "Good boy already listening" I noticed Kokichis eyes blow wide at the sudden dominance, I knew he was testing me as he playfully bit down, I'd normally allow him but not tonight, I used my thumb, ring and pinkie to grip his jaw forcing my fingers to gag him "Behave." From the simple command Kokichis bratty exterior turned into embarrassment as he whined against my fingers, I slid my fingers from his mouth before gliding them down his cock and pushing slowly into his ass, he tensed up slightly but slowly relaxed as I massaged his thighs. "So Koko. . . .when did you realize" I kept small conversation to distract him from my fingers spreading him "Noticed what Shu? how gay you were~" I blushed at his quick remark thrusting my fingers in retaliation "I meant when you realized you liked me." I laughed gently slowly pulling my fingers which Kokichi strongly disapproved of as he sat upright looking like he was about to throw a tantrum, I gave him the reassuring yet judgemental look "Calm down I'm coming back" I laughed grabbing the lube from the side of my room "Well I figured I liked you like maybe 6 months after meeting you? It was scary I didn't know if I could trust you. . .but I don't regret it Mr detective~" I looked up as Kokichi fell silent, his jaw was almost slack as he watched me pour lube onto my cock "Cmon Koko this is for your ass not your jaw. . . for now . . .so keep your mouth shut" I walked over softly jerking myself as I pushed Kokichis legs up before sitting my cock against his hole. "You ready?"
"Its going to hurt isn't it?"
I roll my eyes laughing just a little "Come on Kokichi aren't you the ultimate supreme leader, able to put up with torture from the authorties~ c-can't you take this?"
"I AM TOUGAH~" His sentence cuts off by me pushing my cock into him. I softly rub at his pelvis, causing his hips to relax "I'll take care of you Kokichi okay?" A small laughter breaks out between us as he wraps his legs around me pushing the rest of my cock inside him before he sat up pulling our lips together "I trust you Shushu~" I roll my eyes pushing him onto his back before beginning to rock into him "Don't call me Shushu loser" I tease warming up to giving him back the same teasing he gives me. He smiles up at me warmly causing a warm blush to cover my face for the first time in a while, I love being the ONLY one who gets to see this side of him. I pin his hands above his head beginning to find a pace to fuck into him as his ass practically swallowed my cock up. I pushed his thighs to his chest knowing his small body could take it as our lips attached themselves to each other, The slap emitting from our bodies filled the silence in our room along with guided groans from the both of us, I pulled Kokichis hair back with a little more meaning this time as small droplets formed on his forehead, I couldn't help but chuckle "I'm the one putting in all the work~" I teased picking up my pace in him as I gripped his cock beginning to trail my fingers along it painfully slow. "D-Don't be a fucking tease Shumai" I laughed taking full grip of his cock and began making stroking motions in time with the force and pace I was using against his ass. I noticed the quick change in his breathing as he arched his back a soft but load whine emitting from his lips, it filled me with pure joy despite this situation being anything but pure. Knowing I'd be the only one to bring him over this edge, that jerking off whenever I was in the shower would never feel as good to him as he feels in this moment. A sense of pride and cockiness boosted my ego. I took this as a sign to speed up on both ends as Kokichi began letting out small moans of my name "Shuuu shuu please" I couldn't help but break into a loving smile, I never expected this from Kokichi, I softly lent down kissing him as a sign of approval as he cried out my name shooting cum into his lower stomach, watching his thighs shake against my hands sent me over the edge as I came into his ass "Prretty" I breathed out a noticeable lack of assertion laced my voice. I softly pulled out making sure to wipe his body down as he laid limp against the sheets trying to get his breath back "We'll shower tomorrow Kokichi don't worry about it for now" He smiled up at me sliding into his joggers as he made room in bed for me, I slowly moved him onto my chest rubbing circles into his back as his breaths slowed. I pulled out my phone smirking as I opened snap taking a picture of a shirtless Kokichi covered in hickeys snuggling with me and sent it to Kaede. I saw my phone begin buzzing from snaps from Kaede as I put my phone on mute and smiled to myself as I held Kokichi in my arms. Kaede knew this wasn't new though I'm certain she has known for a while even if we hadn't told her

Word count: 1824

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