The prank that went too far

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Angst warning not even angst this is just rlly fucked up <33 literally don't ever do this 

Kokichi's pov

Me and Shuichi have been friends for a while now I figured I'd put some fun into this friendship by pulling a harmless prank we'll as you'll see it turned out to be a little bit more harmful then I intended... So I texted Shuichi telling him I wasn't doing too good mentally he told me he'd come round in a bit, I had it set up I had previously ordered some fake blood online. I took one of my shirts and drenched it in the blood leading a trail to my bathroom I locked the bathroom door with a key I had and I hid in my wardrobe I sent him a final text "I'm sorry." Within minutes I could hear Shuichi unlocking my door with the spare key we kept under the welcome mat typical I know... He rushed up to my room and knocked on the door "Kokichi?" He waits for a second before barging in my room it goes silent but then I start to hear sobs "N-No Kokichi" I peak out the closet and I met with the most heart breaking sight 

I feel my heart shatter maybe I should stop this Shuichi starts following the blood trail "K-Kokichi open the door p-please we can talk all you need" I hear his voice start breaking "Com-Come on you're okay" This has gotten way too out of hand I s...

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I feel my heart shatter maybe I should stop this Shuichi starts following the blood trail "K-Kokichi open the door p-please we can talk all you need" I hear his voice start breaking "Com-Come on you're okay" This has gotten way too out of hand I step out the closet and come behind Shuichi "I-I'm okay I'm so sorry it was just a prank" as the words leave my mouth I see fire in Shuichis eyes he pushes me away and I trip over falling onto my bed I sit up to see Shuichi with clenched fists "A PRANK A FUCKING PRANK KOKICHI ARE YOU SERIOUS A PRANK I WAS WORRIED SICK HOW FUCKING DARE YOU YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU MEAN TO ME WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS" At this point uncontrollable tears were streaming from Shuichis face "DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH YOU MEAN TO ME!? DO YOU REALIZE YOU'RE ALL I HAVE TO LOOK FORWARD TO BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU AND YOU'RE ONE OF THE ONLY REASONS I GET OUT OF BED IN THE MORNING ANYMORE!?" There's no way I miss heard that and that's definitely not a lie trust me a liar knows a lie I slowly stand up whilst Shuichi's yells are turning into broken sniffs and I wrap my arms around him

I feel my heart shatter maybe I should stop this Shuichi starts following the blood trail "K-Kokichi open the door p-please we can talk all you need" I hear his voice start breaking "Com-Come on you're okay" This has gotten way too out of hand I s...

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"Shh shh Saihara~Chan" I hear a lighter sniffle I know that name makes him happy "I'm sorry I went too far I know I'm a bad person you can hate me if you want" I giggle softly "That's a lie you're stuck with me but I should of thought it through that was a really shitty thing even if I am evil" I feel myself being lifted by Shuichi as he sits on the bed with me in his lap "Don't scare me like that ever again Kokichi okay?" 

I smirk "Wow you actually said something without stuttering" He playfully punches my arm "WAAAHHHHHH YOU'RE SO MEAN!!!!!!! WHY DID YOU HIT ME SAIHARA CHAN" I see panic in his eyes "That was just a lie neheehee~ I'm not bothered" Shuichi gently pulls me on top of him and strokes my hair. I sigh happily "I promise I'll never prank you like that again"

"Or just don't prank me at all?" Shuichi tilts his head with a look of hope

I laugh "Not a chance" I hear the taller sigh and pull the blankets over us as I slowly close my eyes

"I love you Kokichi" 

"I love you too Shumai"

Word count: 670

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