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No summary for this chapter you'll have to read on to find out 😛 BUT this is set during the killing game

Shuichi's pov:
As I'm walking down the halls, I turn a corner to see Angie leaning over a chest looking very excited I make my way over and tap her shoulder "H-Hey Angie what is that?" Angie turns around and smiles softly "Ah well as I was going into Gonta's bug show Atua told me to look around a bit and I ended up finding this, praise Atua I looked inside it seems to be a flashlight Atua says everyone should gather in the gym" Before I can speak or ask any questions Angie takes off in the direction of the gym I pick up the flash light and call out "MONOKUMA?" Suddenly the black and white bear appears out of thin air "Phuhuhu what is it?" Monokuma questions

"I-I need you to make an announcement telling everyone t-to go to the g-gym y-you n-need to be t-there as well" I sigh before walking off to the gym, on my way there I hear the speakers chime, not long before Monokumas voice is followed "Everyone please go to the gym immediately phuhuh" The monitor switches off and when I get there most people have already arrived.
Finally the last ones show up along with monokuma himself I swallow a bit and think about what to say "S-So I actually called e-everyone here a-after Angie made a discovery" I show everyone the flashlight most people seem unimpressed "I-I know i-it seems normal b-but things have been f-far from n-normal con-consiering the circumstances a-and Angie f-found it in a chest s-so it wasn't just laying a-around it was set up" I pull my hat down a little noticing everyone's eyes on me "M-Monokuma what is this?" I show him the flashlight

"Puhuhu it has something to do with getting your memories back how boutcha bastards test it instead of bothering me!" As I go to pry further he disappears leaving the rest of us confused "M-maybe we should vote to see who should do it" Tsumugi speaks up, of course she would suggest that, she always seems to sacrifice someone instead of insisting we all do it together or offering herself, I sigh "W-Who then" We all look around "I'll do it neheehee" I turn to see Kokichi waving his hand in this air "No one cares what will happen to me anyway so I might as well do it" No one objects to him which saddens me a little, Kaede wouldn't want this "Buttt thats a lie mister detective would care sooooo~ I'll only do it if my darling Shuichi does it!~" I feel a light flush on my cheeks at the nicknames and look around to the others "My sidekicks strong he could do it" Kaito speaks up I know he's only saying it because he doesn't want to be picked "Saihara kun is the ultimate detective so maybe it's best if he does it since he could investigate the effects " Kirumi suggests
" I'm too tired to do it, it seems like a pain" The red head speaks

"Of course, the degenerate males should do it" Tenko adds not that anyone asked.
After everyone else insisted on me doing it I walk over to Kokichi and sit in the stage with him "I-I don't want anyone else g-getting caught I-in the cross fire s-so stand behind R-Rantaro" after everyone takes their places we wait for Rantaros countdown, a bright flash emits from the flashlight and everything fades to black

*Time skip brought to you by my 1:30am stories*

Shuichi's pov:
As I come to consciousness I notice I'm in what seems to be a gym I turn to my side and notice my precious Kokichi I gently stroke his hair "Hey Kokichi get up" I tug his shirt hmm he's wearing something different I mean it suits him but its not his usual style I shrug it off "W-Wh-Where are we Saihara?" My smaller asks I shrug and pick him up "If we're lucky I'll know" I carry him outside and walk around a bit before squeaking "W-WE MADE IT WE'RE IN DANGANRONPA" I place Kokichi on the floor before looking around "S-Saihara y-your drooling" Kokichi wipes my chin but I can't help it I remember telling Kokichi I'd get us here one day and we'd make it through together I turn to Ouma and see him tugging at his clothes "Hey lets go find our rooms so we can get changed" I lead the shorter to the rooms and hand him his key card "Give it to me after you're dressed okay?" The purpled hair boy nods before going into his room, I get changed and wait outside for him when he comes out, I can't help but smile he looks so comfortable I hold out my hand waiting for the key card which Kokichi gently places in my hand

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