The walk.

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A/N: Sorry for the wait school and life has been so fucking stressful and I'm not really in a good place at the moment but here we go

(Sorry if it's short I need inspo please comment scenarios so I can keep writing this book)

(I go back to school in a few hours I had two weeks to do this but procrastination)

Summary: Shuichi had stormed out the dining hall after constant comments about Keade's death and her betrayal, a certain liar has his concerns.

Shuichi's pov
Keade was really gone... My first friend in this place had been brutally executed I didn't know how to come to terms with it.

I knew I had to be strong for her it was her final wish after all. I placed my cap on my desk and took a long breath... I can get through today, I looked in the mirror before fixing my hair and leaving my room I decide it's best if I keep my head down even though I feel people's gazes piercing me.

My hands slowly push open the door and I hear a few gasps "A-Ah your hair" I shrug not wanting any more attention and take a seat next to Kaito "You okay bro?" Kaito gently places his hand on my shoulder, I feel like I'm going to break at any moment from all the sadness but these feelings change into anger as I overhear whispers along the lines of "Wow maybe Kaede manipulated Shuichi into changing himself like she manipulated us into trusting her haha!" I know exactly who's voice that is...Miu of course the most insensitive one here. My head lifts itself without a second thought I feel the heat in my face but notice Kokichi out the corner of my eye he seems to be staring at me intensely before I have another moment to think all my thoughts are cut off as anger flows through me that bitches voice rises again "I don't know why anyone's so bothered like a piano freak could provide for us I mean look at me haha! I'm a big boob genius! She had a small useless rack" I slam my hands on the table without even thinking but my feet take me over to Miu and before I know it my hands are around her throat and she's lifted off the ground "I DARE YOU SAY ANOTHER THING ABOUT KAEDE SHE GAVE HER LIFE FOR US!" I hear screams of my name as I snap back to reality, I drop her and run out the room.

Kokichi's pov
We all stood there dumbfounded at the scene unfolding infront of us I never thought Shuichi Saihara could be so dominant neheehee~ I stand up from my seat and place my hands behind my head "Ouma don't." I hear Makis voice boom out but I'm already half way out the door

Shuichi's pov
I walk as quick as I can to the gardens it breaks into a sprint I feel like I'm running from my problems again I don't stop till I can no longer see the school before falling to the floor to catch my breath, Why did I lash out I've never felt that angry...

A part of me felt kind of proud for standing up for myself

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A part of me felt kind of proud for standing up for myself.

Kokichi's pov
I searched everywhere for Shuichi...I say everywhere I went his room then sat in my room for half an hour drinking panta neheehee~ I sigh and decide to leave the main buildings as much as I want to make light of the situation I can't have people turning against my beloved I walk to the gardens and find Shuichi, he looks so beautiful...what am I saying? I shame my head and walk over "Saihara chan~" I hum

"Ah just the person I wanted to see" Shuichi speaks whilst holding my face

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"Ah just the person I wanted to see" Shuichi speaks whilst holding my face. an overwhelming sense of confusion takes over, did he hit his head whilst running? I look closer and see tears in Saiharas eyes "Hey Saihara chan?" Silent tears start to fall from his face "I miss her..." Shumai whispers.

I swallow my pride and feel my heart stop "Did you love her?" I gulp a little but hear a laugh erupt from the taller boy "Heh it never of worked out" Shuichi lays against a tree "Why, you're amazing if she didn't want you she's stupid" I lean back trying not to get frustrated at the thought anyone wouldn't love him
"It wouldn't of worked because I'm gay..."
I almost choke but manage to keep it down my heart starts racing and I can't help but smile "But it doesn't matter shes gone and I'm alone again" I can't help but reach out to Saihara I was alone for so long... I never want anyone else to feel like that neheehee thats a lie everyone loves a supreme leader...I wish... he doesn't fight he just slowly moves into my arms I'm taken back for a second no one ever trusts a liar... "I won't tell anyone and that's not a lie"

I gently run my fingers through his hair and quietly shush him

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I gently run my fingers through his hair and quietly shush him. The whole world goes silent is this what it feels like to be happy the world seems a litte brighter "Hey Ouma?" I look down to my detective "Yes neheehee~"
"I think you're pretty" Shuichi whispers my ears refuse to believe what they heard "Pretty what?" I try to finish his sentence "No...Just....pretty.." I hear little snores coming from the boy underneath me as my heart beats out its chest...this is happiness neheehee~ so it is real. I plant a small kiss on Saiharas head, his skins softer then anything I've ever felt not to be weird though, I look around and gently lift up the taller boy as to not disturb him. Jesus crucify me for skiping gym.

*Time skip for Kokichis poor twink arms*

Shuichi's pov
I wake up in my bed I don't remember coming here...Oh wait heh... I slowly sit up and look to my side "To my beloved neheehee~ I was going to stay but Maki already thinks I've killed you so I gotta run she's going to break down the door SHITLOVEYOUBY- gotcha it was a lie" I laugh uncontrollably at the note...wait LOVE YOU!? I can't help but f-feel overwhelmed with h-happiness he really l-likes me! I gently place the note in my pocket. You know I think he is the one.

Word count: 1095

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