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Summary: The whole gang have a sleepover Kokichi and Shuichi get a little closer

Shuichi's pov

I make my way to lunch with Maki and Kaito everythings going as normal except Kokichi and Tenko aren't around I've liked Kokichi f-for around a month or so now so I figure I'd try find a way to get to spend time with him
After around 5 minutes Kokichi and Tenko show up together surprising me a bit "T-Tenko I thought y-you hate me-men?"
"I do! But Kokichi told me something which is forgivable! But don't start to think I like any of you other degenerate males!" I even take note of Tenko linking her arm around Kokichis why does my heart sting a bit a-am I jealous... No wait Kokichis gay. I collect my thoughts before speaking "S-So I was t-thinking does a-anyone want to h-have a sleepover t-tonight" I speak up then wait for answers everyone agrees "I'll only go if Kokichi goes I don't want to be stuck with you degenerate males!" Tenko adds I feel my heart flutter and hear a few groans I'm not even Kokichi and it hurts me let alone to know how it feels for Kokichi "O-Of course K-Kokichis welcome!" I make sure to remind everyone "Awe my beloved does want me there~" Kokichi teases causing my face to redden as I pull my hat down

*Time skip*

Its around 7pm and everyone starts showing up the only person I'm looking out for though is Kokichi I made sure I left room next to my sleeping bag for Kokichi, once everyone arrives we decide to let Angie take over with the games she decides on truth or dare which results in a little rant from Tenko only to be silenced by Himiko I'm so glad she listens to her once we all take our places Miu starts "Hehe~ Small stack truth or dare?"
Keade sighs "Truth"
"what's your preference?"
Miu looks taken back for a sec but gets flustered I don't even want to know whats going on in her head "Himiko truth or dare?"
"Truth I'm too tired for a dare..."
"Is your magic real?"
"Yes! I'll curse you to prove it"
I sigh and decide to interfere we don't need a girl fight "Okay Himiko its okay" I lower my hat a bit it's not like me to speak up Himiko ends up asking Tsumugi and Tsumugi asks Kokichi
"Neheehee~ a supreme leader is always up for a dare!"
"Well then kiss Shuichi" as if it was possible for me and Kokichi to get any paler we somehow managed to do it. The whole room went quiet "A-Are y-you s-serious?"
"Bro are you okay you're whole face is on fire" Kaito seems concerned but if this happens my dreams will literally come true
"Well I can't say no" before I realize whats happening Kokichis lips are connected to my cheek they're so soft almost like they've never been tampered I his first kiss!? well kind of kiss I freak out a little

Okay when I say a little I mean a shit ton my world was brighter then ever once Miu and Tsumugi finished squealing over us and I thought Kokichi was the rat we decide to get in our pj's and just talk for the rest of the night I come out in comfy t...

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Okay when I say a little I mean a shit ton my world was brighter then ever once Miu and Tsumugi finished squealing over us and I thought Kokichi was the rat we decide to get in our pj's and just talk for the rest of the night I come out in comfy trousers and a random shirt since I don't wear one to sleep like the rest of the boys except Kokichi he comes out in a jumper which he doesn't seem like he plans on taking off... He makes his way over to me and sits back in my lap taking me by suprise but I instinctively wrap my arms around him

"You're okay with this mister detective?" I blush at the name and nod trying not to give in to his adorable flirting b-but part of me c-can't help it

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"You're okay with this mister detective?" I blush at the name and nod trying not to give in to his adorable flirting b-but part of me c-can't help it


Once we all finish up our convos for the night and have some snacks graciously made for us by the amazing Kirumi we settle down, I watch Kokichi as he stares intensely at the ceiling I smile a little.
He looks so calm I gently tap him and he seems startled for a moment I apologise a little "H-Hey it's g-going to end up getting hot tonight so I w-wouldn't keep that jumper o-on.
If you don't feel comfortable b-being shirtless th-thats fine! at least let me give you a t-thinner shirt o-okay?" Kokichi hesitates and nods I gently grab his hand causing my heart to race again as I cautiously step between people.

I take him too my room and hand him a thin checkerboard shirt...Yes I may of brought checkered stuff to impress Kokichi.... As Kokichi takes his shirt off I notice cuts littering his body my heart stops I grab his arm and turn him to me it's worse then I thought even his stomach is covered in them I can't tell if they're whip marks or cuts "W-What happened O-Ouma" He hurrys to pull his shirt on "I don't wanna talk about it right now but its the reason Tenko likes me now" I feel Kokichis lips gently pressed against my head before heading back downstairs "Hey Shumai~ can we sleep together" The heat rises in my face "Wha-What!?" Kokichi puts his hand over my mouth "Not like that neheehee just get in your sleeping bag and I'll do the rest, I do as asked and Kokichi simply zips our sleeping bags together still leaving a comfortable space though neither of us use it and I end up holding Kokichi in my arms as if the world would end if I let go of him I looked down at him and once again he looked peaceful he was just running his finger up and down my chest I let out minimum giggles not wanting to let him know it tickles I spontaneously got some confidance and planted a kiss on his head "Night Kokichi"
"Neheehee~ nightt~"

Word count: 1075

A/N: Again thank you for 2k I think it's just the sleep deprivation I don't think this is real ngl💜

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