High school

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Summary: Au that Kokichi and Shuichi went to the same school before the killing game uwu

Kokichi's pov

Summer break just finished and it's my first day back me and the gang all hung out together over the break and I think I might be falling for Shuichi but there's nothing I can't cover up with a little bit of lying.

I walk down the road only to be greeted with Rantaro, I put on a fake smile and we start a little conversation "So Kokichi when are you going to tell the rest of the group you're gay?" I choke on my Panta due to the sudden outburst, "I'm going to!... I just don't wanna get a bad reaction" I claim but before I can change the topic the fucking Avocado intervenes to shut me down "You do realize half the group is filled with lesbians" Rantaro snickers

"Neheehee~ Trust me I know I have to see Himiko and Tenko almost everyday" I smirk to myself "Fine I'll tell Shuichi today" I look over to Rantaro and he looks like he's about to explode "That was just a lie god you'd think you'd realize by now" I see Rantaros face drop I would scruff his hair but he's like almost a foot taller than me (9 inches to be exact) Me and Rantaro have become close so it kind of upsets me to see him look so disappointed "Hey Avocado"

"Yes grape" I sigh at the name but it's probably not the worse thing I've been called "Depending on how this week goes between me and Shuichi...I'll maybeee confess to him...But that could be another lie but it could also be the truth I guess you'll never know Neheehee~" I smirk and run off till I reach the school gates, there I'm greeted by the group, I notice the second Shuichi sees me he lowers his hat...Hmmm let's see what fun we can have with this I put my hands behind my head and walk over to the group "Neheehee~ morning you guyssss" I slide past Maki who looks like she might choke me if I look at her, as make my way over to Shuichi everyone carries on with their convos and Shuichi notices me in front of him "H-Hi Kokichi" I smirk his stuttering is so cute I decide it's the perfect time considering he's caught off guard I grab his hat and for a second I look into Shuichis eyes they're this beautiful sunshine yellow with a tint of grey like clouds hiding the sun. Before I get too lost in thought Shuichi snaps me out of my trance "K-K-KOKICHI GIVE IT BACK PLEASE!" I smirk as Shu raises his voice.

"Come get it my beloved" I start running when I hear Shuichi behind me but I keep going, I can't help but think Jesus this boy has some stamina but that is also because I'm a malnourished 5'0 mother fu- my thoughts are cut off because I'm pulled to the floor by Shuichi

I'm taken back for a second he's so close, Shuichi lifts his head up and looks around to see if anyones coming before he gives me a small peck on my lips and pushes me off him I lay on the floor and gently touch my lips I notice Rantaro standing o...

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I'm taken back for a second he's so close, Shuichi lifts his head up and looks around to see if anyones coming before he gives me a small peck on my lips and pushes me off him I lay on the floor and gently touch my lips I notice Rantaro standing over me he holds his hand out, I smirk up at him "Aweee" I  smile at Rantaro and his gesture "wow everyones in love with Kokichi today! Neheehee~ that's just a lie we all know I'll be alone forever" It hurts a little when I remember who told me that but that's for another time I pick myself up and avoid eye contact with Shuichi before I have a chance to think about what happened the school bell rings oh great I have first period with Shuichi as well I go to look over to my beloved and he's already taken off I run over to catch up with him "Shuichiii don't run off without me you're meant to love meeee" I smirk and see him go red "That was just a lie Neheehee~ the great detective would never love a liar" I carry on walking looking forward trying to keep it together but I realize I'm being dragged into the bathrooms by Shuichi.

 I decide not to speak and instead watch Shuichi pick me up and puts me on the counter I didn't realize I was that light he checks all the stall doors to make sure no ones in there before turning to me and grabbing my collar I flinch a little "Sorry Saihara~chan reflex from Maki Neheehee~" Once again I'm met with a familiar feeling of the tallers lips against mine I feel the blush come back onto my face "K-Kokichi I love you s-so stop saying no one ever will!" I slowly lift his hat off his head and see tears in his eyes "Hey my beloved what's wrong?"
"I-I its just that I really like you K-Kokichi and I hate seeing you beat yourself up then hide your true feelings with lies I want to know you the real Kokichi"

I can't help but tear up a bit I gently kiss Shuichis head "Hey Shumai I'm sorry it's a natural reflex to lie maybe in the future I'll be able to explain why but I've liked you since summer break I honestly thought you were straight neheenee~" Shuichi looks confused

"Really me striaght hehe~" My heart melts in an instant, his laugh is like a thousand suns

The late bell rings

I reach for Shuichis hand and place his hat on my head "Do I look good?" I flick my hair dramatically and Saihara sighs with a little smirk "Cute as ever" We both blush and walk hand and hand into class, as I get to the door I hear Rantaros voice "FINALLY YOU TWO" The whole group is laughing "YES SHUICHI YOU FINALLY ASKED HIM WELL DONE BRO" I hear from Kaito it shocks me a bit I even see Maki smiling I thought she would of cut my head off, me and Shuichi sit next to each other in class and the world seems little bit brighter today.

Word count: 1067

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