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A/N: Buckle up for some sad shit.

Summary: You don't need one

Shuichi's pov
I sat amongst the rubble, I couldn't care less about moving. Maki and Himiko eventually pulled me to my feet. The airs thin and cloudy I stare at the exit but part of me doesn't want to leave I let the girls go on without me.

*Time skip*

I don't know how long it's been but I don't want to face whats beyond that wall my thoughts are interrupted when I hear a quiet rumbling. I stand up and move a rock only for Monophanie to pop out "Ah! Shuichi! I'm going to be in so much trouble if daddy catches me but I can't deal with all this murder and sadness" She waddles closer. I'm to tired to resist "I can bring someone back but only in the condition they were before they died" I considered all of the options Kirumi was in so much pain Kaede couldn't live with the guilt I didn't know Rantaro too well Ryoma didn't want to live I would love to bring Tenko back but they'd never forgive me for not bringing back Angie...same the other way round... Miu is a questional option and Gonta wouldn't be able to live knowing he did something so horrible Maki would be in too much shock for Kaito and Keebo sacrificed himself for us... I know its selfish but I want him.... if its before he... he should still be fine...right? "Bring him back bring Kokichi back!" I wipe my eyes and stare at Monophanie with the most serious look I've ever shown "B-But his body...I can do it just don't tell daddy" She vanishes before I can ask any questions I slide back down and fix myself up a flash of light strikes my eyes but when I open them my heart stops

I can do it just don't tell daddy" She vanishes before I can ask any questions I slide back down and fix myself up a flash of light strikes my eyes but when I open them my heart stops

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It's really him. I notice blood which confuses me...He ha injuries before he died? I don't think anymore and bring him in for a hug "Saihara chan what the fuck have you done." Kokichi nuzzles his head into me "I-I brought you back" I smiles softly and stroke his hair "Idiot. IdiotIdiotIdiot!" Kokichi pushes me off and coughs up blood spluttering on his uniform. My eyes widen "I was going to die anyway! Maki poisened me! you dummy!" my heart starts beating out my chest "Its okay I'll get something!" I pick him up and lead him back to the remains of the school I gotta be able to find something "Shuichi stop" I hold on tighter to the smaller boy "No I just got you back I'm not going to lose you again!" I feel the tears well up "Shuichi Saihara stop! Please... Theres nothing you can do I gave Kaito the only antidote please dying once was painful enough at least let me die happy this time" my panta loving boy forms the most warm smile causing me to break and burst out crying I pull him into my lap "I brought you back because last time I never got to tell you I love you...But now I can't even have you" I hold him closer and scream into his shirt the warmth of his hand hushes me "Please hold me" Kokichi requests. I sit up and pull him into my arms telling him stories of what happened after he left and how every day I thought about him I knew his time was coming to an end I wasn't gonna miss my chance I gently lifted his head up and kissed him "I love you Kokichi"
"I love you Shuichi, tell me the story again" I couldn't say no to that... I told him how I could never forget him but it quickly came to end along with the younger boys pulse once again I felt my heart shatter but I kept a smile on my face and finished the story.

The moral of this story is that no matter how much we try, no matterhow much we want it

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The moral of this story is that no matter how much we try, no matterhow much we want it.... Some stories just don't have a happy ending

Word count: 722

A/N: I cried whilst writing this... Its 4:27am I have to be up for school at 7am I'm stressed I'm also getting put back in therapy so I wanna Sakura myself rn

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