Summer break (p2)

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Shuichi's pov
The sunlight shines through my window giving me a rude wakeup call, I open my eyes only to be met with a sleepy purple haired Kokichi cuddled up to me... god I'm so lucky, It's been around a week since Kokichi's been staying at mine for summer break, we're not official yet but honestly I think we're both too shy to ask each other as confident as Kokichi may act. I gently stroke Kokichi's hair "Morning sleepy" I start our routine of placing him on the bed and softly tickling him whilst encouraging him to wake up until I hear a little groan "Finee I'm upp Saihara~chan you're so mean for waking me up" I hear a little sniffle and guilt takes over I guess he can sleep whilst I make breakfast just as I go to send him back to sleep the smaller smiles his cheeky grin "Oh Saihara~chan you should know I'm lying by now I love being with you first thing in the morning neheehee~" I shake my head and flick his nose playfully

"I'm making scramble eggs and sausages and before you ask yes you can have panta on the side" I smirk and walk downstairs, after about 5 minutes I'm joined by my little liar "Ahh~ it smells so nice" He wraps his arms around me "And you're so warm Saihara~chan like a radiator" I giggle at the comparison and lean back to kiss the side of his head "Go on and sit down breakfast is almost done I'll be over in a second" I serve up breakfast and sit with Kokichi whilst eating we agree to go out for coffee today, as we start getting changed I notice some clouds start to cover the sky hopefully it won't get worse then this me and Kokichi head to the coffee shop hand in hand it starts to gently spit but luckily we get to the coffee shop before we're soaked by the rain, we decide to order our drinks before sitting down but Kokichi seems to be getting a little paranoid "You okay?" I gently reach for his hand


I stare at Ouma he looks so beautiful in this light his pale skin his big purple eyes have so much emotion in them for once they weren't filled with his normal emotions it looked almost as if he's waiting for something but he doesn't look thrilled...

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I stare at Ouma he looks so beautiful in this light his pale skin his big purple eyes have so much emotion in them for once they weren't filled with his normal emotions it looked almost as if he's waiting for something but he doesn't look thrilled about whatever it was almost as if on cue a clap of thunder filled the air and a quiet whimper came from the smaller "Shuichi can we go please!" I nod and start leading Kokichi out the store getting weird looks from a few people wondering if the purple haired boy on the verge of tears is okay we get a few minutes down the road when a bolt of lightning sparks up the sky I speed up my walking pace only to realize I no longer have the shorter boy following me and instead is hugging his knees in the middle of the road I kneel down and lift Kokichi's head up by his chin "Hey you're okay" I have no idea how to calm him down "H-Hey lets play a game okay I need you to count for me it might seem scary at first but you got to t-trust me" Kokichi looks into my eyes and I notice tears welling up in his eyes spilling over occasionally "I-I trust you" I smile and sit in front of him

I stare at Ouma he looks so beautiful in this light his pale skin his big purple eyes have so much emotion in them for once they weren't filled with his normal emotions it looked almost as if he's waiting for something but he doesn't look thrilled...

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I try to recall the game my uncle used to play with me when I had the same fear "Okay you need to count the seconds between a clap of thunder to when the lightning goes off and that's how many miles it is away from us" I shyly smile hoping Kokichi will believe me "O-Okay..." A clap of thunder booms

"Start" We wait a little bit for the lightning to follow

"T-Thirteen....T-Ten....Seven" I keep encouraging him "Twelve... Fifteen...Twenty" I see a little smile start to form on his face I tell him how well he's doing maybe he'll be able to make it home at this rate "S-Six" I look down at the boy who seems to of lost all hope great I had to go and jinx it "Shh shh it's okay breath it might go back to how it was"

"T-Three..." before he can get to the next count a clap of thunder is instantly followed by a bolt of lightning causing a screech to emit from the smaller

"H-Home" I hear quiet sobs and shaky breaths coming from the small boy on the floor

"Y-Yeah we're going home Ouma y-you just got to come with me" another clap of thunder fills the silence and I see Kokichi start shaking my heart can't take it anymore and he doesn't look like he's getting up any time soon I gently lift my little liar onto my hip and start to run back to the house

Kokichi keeps his head buried in my neck the whole way home letting out the occasional cry god am I glad Kaito made me start working out with him otherwise this would be a whole new story when we get to the house I fumble around for my keys "I'm s...

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Kokichi keeps his head buried in my neck the whole way home letting out the occasional cry god am I glad Kaito made me start working out with him otherwise this would be a whole new story when we get to the house I fumble around for my keys "I'm sorry give me a moment" I gently place Kokichi down to open the door "S-Shumai" I look down and my heart thumps I see Ouma with puppy dog eyes making grabby hands I pick him up again and bring him indoors before closing the door and bringing him upstairs "S-Sh" Kokichi tries to speak

"Shhh it's okay" I find some headphones and place them over Kokichis ears with some new found confidance I speak up "Are you okay if I change you into your pj's I don't want you getting sore from wet clothes or you can do it yourself whatever makes you comfortable" the smaller sniffles and blushes a bit before pointing at me... okay I can do this I slowly change Kokichi into his pj's, for once I have a chance to get a closer look at his scars I can't help it I'm a detective I need to know what they're from I notice they're trailed around his waist hips arms stomach and thighs... I know exactly what they are I feel like my hearts about to break why would he... No now's not the time he needs comfort right now I softly kiss his stomach and finish putting his pj's on him whilst Ouma hums along to the music I gently lift him into my lap as I rest against the headboard of my bed, I wrap a blanket around him and pull him towards me so his chest is resting on mine "You should of told me you were scared of thunder and lightning I wouldn't of made you come out today" The smaller sniffles and looks up at me "I'm sorry I just didn't want you to think I was silly"

I tilt his head up to mine and kiss him "I could never think you're silly for being scared of something I mean I'm a-afraid of the dark how silly is that"

Kokichi giggles "Not silly I understand now" We both blush and share a sweet kiss before settling down and spending the rest of the day cuddled up together listening to music and talking about our fears.

Word count: 1261

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