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Summary: Kokichi gets jealous of a certain emo boys friend he wants to intervene before things get out of control.

Kokichi's pov:
I can't stand how much Kaito hangs around Shuichi he's like obsessed with him always trying to get him fit he should be focusing on Maki even though she's a wimp well thats a lie she could kill kill me if she wanted and I'm prettyyyy sure she wants to, I've talked to Rantaro and Keebo a lot about it and they keep telling me to talk to him but Kaito and Maki both hate me and are always around Shuichi for example everytime I come near Shuichi one of them drags him off or insults me till I leave the only time I see him is during history class, I figured I'd just ignore him I know if I don't the jealousy will get to me and I don't want to lose him as a friend so I'll just avoid him I'm snapped out my thoughts by the teacher yelling my name "KOKICHI PAY ATTENTION!" I smirk "Sorry Miss I love this class really I do neheehee but thats a lie of course I'd rather jump out a window" I snicker to myself and block out the yelling from the teacher I start writing a note in my book 'Hey Shuichi I don't know how to say it but-' I crumple up the paper and shove it to the bottom of my bad it's stupid I'm a supreme leader I don't need to write stupid notes, Keebo taps me on the shoulder "Thinking about him?" I try not to blush "Oh hush you're a robot you don't have emotions anyway" I stick my tongue out jokingly and note the eye roll from Keebo "Awee you know I'm only kidding" We both share a quick smile and start packing up "H-Hey Kokichi" I feel my heart thump I instantly recognise the voice I grab my bag and Keebo and run out the class I'm not sure what came over me that was so pathetic Kokichi, when we finally stop I lean against the wall "What was that for Kokichi?" I shrug "Clearly being near him is too much neheehee thats just a lie come on your smart you should know why" I scruff his hair a little "Kaito and Maki" Robo boy questions I nod and start making my way to the front of school "Walking back with me and Rantaro?" Keebo nods and follows behind me once we meet Rantaro they question me for a little bit, usually just about if me and Shuichi had talked today I try change the topic and they finally give up, I yawn and rub my eyes "Is anyone else tired?" the other two look at each oher and shake their heads I close my eyes and hold my arms out before being lifted

Kokichi's pov:I can't stand how much Kaito hangs around Shuichi he's like obsessed with him always trying to get him fit he should be focusing on Maki even though she's a wimp well thats a lie she could kill kill me if she wanted and I'm prettyyyy...

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Rantaro used to carry me home a lot usually after I got beaten up because I couldn't walk but thats in the past I catch Shuichi out the corner of my eye he looks mad... Great another reason for him not to like me I rest my head on Rantaro and try to ignore it I hear Keebo and Rantaro talking as I slowly nod off I'm woken up by Keebo shocking me

 Great another reason for him not to like me I rest my head on Rantaro and try to ignore it I hear Keebo and Rantaro talking as I slowly nod off I'm woken up by Keebo shocking me

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