Happy birthday

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IMPORTANT A/N BEFORE THIS STARTS todays the 05.09.19 btw : I go back to school in 10 hours its currently 1am so if I stop posting as much I'm so sorry but I'm starting year 10 and things are about to get stressful as I start my gcse's this year I'll try to keep on track but please forgive me

No ones pov

Kokichi had grown up with his dog Sunflower he loved the name though kind of regretted it as a teenager but Sunflower was the one thing that would make him smile no matter what, even if he had the roughest day at school Sunflower didn't know so it didn't effect her meaning when Kokichi walked through the door he was tackled by his happiness source

Kokichi had grown up with his dog Sunflower he loved the name though kind of regretted it as a teenager but Sunflower was the one thing that would make him smile no matter what, even if he had the roughest day at school Sunflower didn't know so it...

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When Kokichi first adopted Sunflower he saw himself in her she was very shy excluded from the litter her mother had sadly disowned her Kokichi jumped at the chance to adopt her "Hey you're just like me now but don't worry we got each other neheehee D.I.C.E are gonna love you!" Kokichi gently lifted the puppy out the cage and happily took it home Sunflower was never open to new people she would whimper in the corner till Kokichi talked to them and saw it was safe this seemed to pass in her teen years

Sunflower had gone the complete oposite way she was currently in training as a therapy dog for Kokichi's depression even sunflower had noticed Oumas change in behaviour as of late she'd come snuggle with him at night would take sharp objects away ...

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Sunflower had gone the complete oposite way she was currently in training as a therapy dog for Kokichi's depression even sunflower had noticed Oumas change in behaviour as of late she'd come snuggle with him at night would take sharp objects away from the small boys surroundings whenever she sensed something going wrong Kokichi would cry into her almost every night wishing for a better world "A-All I have is you Sunflower I have no one else Shuichi won't talk to me because of Maki and Kaito but he's all I had apart from you!" And Sunflower would sit there all night till he evuentually passed out this didn't last long though

Sunflower had gone the complete oposite way she was currently in training as a therapy dog for Kokichi's depression even sunflower had noticed Oumas change in behaviour as of late she'd come snuggle with him at night would take sharp objects away ...

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Kokichi's pov

"It's crazy to think how fast time has gone by" I sit on the floor stroking Sunflower "It seems only yesterday I could fit you in my two hands" I giggle to myself I noticed Sunflower hasn't been as responsive lately maybe she's losing her hearing I mean it would make sense she's getting old now I nuzzle into her fur and hug her no matter big she gets she'll never be too big for cuddles luckly I've been having a good streak keeping my depression under control so I figure I'd let Sunflower rest I pat her and leave to the shops and to meet up with D.I.C.E for a bit

*Time skip because I kinda need to sleep*

I walk back through the door and stretch Atua help me social interaction is so tiring but nothing my favourite girl can't fix I come into the living room seeing as thats where she usually but as I turn the corner my stomach flips


There sunflower lay lifeless with blood gushing out her mouth I cup my mouth feeling like I'm gonna throw up I start hyperventilating as tears stream down my face no this isn't real THIS ISN'T REAL NO NO NO! a surge of dizzyness hits me as my head hits the floor

*Time skip*

I feel something picking me up I slowly open my eyes and see Gonta cradling me in his arms "W-What are you doing!?" I remember as I whip my head around to the spot...there's nothing there? Does this mean it was just a dream I get out of Gontas grasp "Wheres Sunflower I had the most horrible dream I need to go say good morning" I go to run off but Gonta grabs me an overwhelming look of sadness is plastered on his face "Gonta so sorry Sunflower not with us anymore she up in animal kingdom Kirumi took her to resting place this morning after Kokichi not answer any calls and Shuichi got worried so Gonta come check on you" I feel my heart shatter my whole world turns black and white every reason to smile is drained from me I turn to Gonta and without thinking punch out hurting myself more then him "Shh shh Gonta know it sad but Sunflower okay Gonta promise and gentlemen not break promise!" I grip onto Gonta and cry "Fantastic this is exactly what I wanted a week before my birthday"

Shuichi's pov

I heard what had happened with Sunflower and it honestly broke my heart I grew up with Ouma in turn growing up with his dog she had helped him so much during the hardest times she helped more then I could ever try or wish to what was even worse is that is was coming up Kokichi's 16 birthday and his best friend was no longer here with him I talked to the group a little and begged them to all pull together yes they may hate him but hes my best friend and it's the least he deserves

21st of June today is my little liars birthday I blush a little as I make my way to his house with his present in my hand I get a few weird looks from people down the street which is understandable considering how happy and blushy I look I breath in as I get down his road I really hope he likes it

*Knock knock*

"I-It's me y-your bel-loved det-tective!" I rock on my heels hiding his present behind me just in time for the door to open my heart brakes a little at the sight Kokichi looks more pale and skinny then normal and theres tear tracks on his face I would hug him right now but the wait is worth it "Oh hey Shumai come in" Kokichi stands out the way I can't explain how strange it is to hear his voice without the pure joy "Hey Koko" I gently kiss his head usually I would freak out but I know right now Ouma just needs love and hes too tired to make a snarky remark anyway "I t-thought I'd bring you a l-little present"

Kokichi's pov

My world hasn't gone back to being bright its all still black and white its been like this since it happened I can tell Saihara chans trying to cheer me up but I don't know if it's gonna work but I'll play along if it makes him happy Shuichi tells me to close my eyes I'm too tired to argue so I just listen
"3...2...1....Open" I reluctantly open my eyes

I gasp and cup my mouth "N-No you didn't" I look at Shumai with tears in my eyes "Y-Yeah I did and h-he's already chipped s-so don't w-worry and Kirumis getting you t-toys and food for t-the little guy" The taller boasts "I-I can't thank you enoug...

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I gasp and cup my mouth "N-No you didn't" I look at Shumai with tears in my eyes "Y-Yeah I did and h-he's already chipped s-so don't w-worry and Kirumis getting you t-toys and food for t-the little guy" The taller boasts "I-I can't thank you enough" I gently take the new puppy out his hands "Oh my Atua he's so soft..." I wipe my eyes with my spare hand I gently place him onto the floor and instantly jump into Shuichis arms "I love you so much and I don't just mean it in a best friend way I really mean it as in I want to be with you I want to make you this happy" I breath in and look up at Shuichi "I-I've liked y-you for so long!" I feel myself getting hoisted up as I gladly wrap my legs around Shuichis hips the one thing I learnt is though things can't be replaced things can clear that little bit of darkness I finally had colours back in my would although darkness still remains in the corner it all fades with time neheehee

Word count: 1360

A/N It's 2:27am help I have to be up in 7 hours but I won't be asleep for another 1 maybe 2 usually school starts at 8am but the new kids get the morning to themselves so we don't go in till 11am

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