The mute and his menace

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A/N at the end, sorry or everyone I worried

Summary: Shuichi is non-verbal and Kokichi is non-shut the fuck up <33 (He just like me fr)

Kokichi's pov:
I made my down the road trying to find Shuichi, if he's late for the first day back after winter break I'm going to fight him, just as I'm monologing to myself I catch Shuichi out of the corner of my eye, I happily run over tackling him into a hug which is met with an extraordinary eye roll from Shuichi and a perfectly timed middle finger

Kokichi's pov:I made my down the road trying to find Shuichi, if he's late for the first day back after winter break I'm going to fight him, just as I'm monologing to myself I catch Shuichi out of the corner of my eye, I happily run over tackling ...

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I can't help but laugh as I nudge him to tell him to get a move on, he softly grasps my hand as we walk to class before sitting next to each other, I'm glad we've grown up together, with Shuichi being non-verbal we've formed our own way of communicating over the years.

Most of the time Shuichi writes in a notebook for me and I'm his speaker since he knows I literally can not shut up for more than 5 minutes, as we begin our work we carry on like usual with me asking questions he can't and talking to Rantaro and Keebo with him signing to me for what he wants to add like usual, usually nothing is eventual in our day to day lives but for some reason Kaede just couldn't deal with us being cooler then her today, She leans over tapping Shuichi, "Kaede don't just tap him, ask him what you want to ask so at least he has something to reply to." I sigh to Kaede thinking she'd understand by now,
"I'm just trying to start a conversation ugh."
Me and Shuichi both look at each other in a dismissive eye roll as Kaede continues "I'm not reading what you write Shuichi just talk to me!" Kaede basically demands
"He's not just going to talk since you told him to. He's non verbal for a reason."
"Oh who cares! Who even gave you the right to speak for him huh Kokichi?"
Shuichi quickly signs to Kaede pointing to me and putting his thumb up "He's saying he likes that I speak for him" I retort slightly rubbing it in her face

She rolls her eyes grabbing Shuichis book, instant panic sinks into Shus face "What the fuck are you doing Kaede!?"
"Well if he wants to use to book to speak to me then I'm gonna read all the conversations he's had~ to get to know him better"
I hear slightly distressed stims coming from Shuichi as I grab the book out of Kaedes hands, this turns into a slight scuffle as she digs her nails into my hand slightly drawing blood "oh so now I can't read his book Kokichi? How am I meant to talk to him now"
"You're just doing this to be a bitch Kaede! Hes not deaf he's just non-verbal" I yank the book out her hand grabbing Shuichis arm and walking out the class with him as we make our way to the bathroom so I can clean my hand up

Shuichi signs an apologetic filled sorry, I instantly hold his hand down "Hey don't say sorry. . . Its not your fault she thinks she's entitled" I smile warmly to Shuichi "You don't own her anything" I softly kiss his forehead a bright blush meeting Shuichi's cheeks in an instant, my heart warms at the sight as I wash my hand and wrap it up, I turn around to meet Shuichi's hand in half a heart as I finish the other half to make a full heart, "You're such a dork~ I love you too"

A/N: I'm sorry to everyone I worried in my last chapter, I'm doing a lot better now, I'm in a rlly intense therapy I'm about to finish my first year of college and I'm not on medication from my psychiatrist, thank you all for the support you guys truly make me happy love you all!

A/N: I'm sorry to everyone I worried in my last chapter, I'm doing a lot better now, I'm in a rlly intense therapy I'm about to finish my first year of college and I'm not on medication from my psychiatrist, thank you all for the support you guys ...

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A wild Galaxy <3

Word count: 679

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