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A/N writing to distract myself I'm at the lowest I've ever been and ⚠️TW⚠️ fighting the urge to kill myself EVERY FUCKING day because I'm so trapped in my own mind to the point I'm bolting out my house at 3am no socks no shoes and in underwear (this actually happened had to call my girlfriend) because I'm so scared of my own head I'M SERIOUS SOMEONE HELP BEFORE I KILL MYSELF TO EXCAPE THIS ENDLESS CYLE OF UNBEARABLE UNEXCAPABLE SUFFOCATING PARALYSING FEAR!. LOL anyway cringe L+Ratio+Bozo+FreddieFazzBalls

Kokichis pov:
I don't know how long its been. . . I feel so out of touch, I've never been one for normality's as everyone in this nightmare loved to remind me, I couldn't "Be normal" I was just a "lost liar without a cause" but this feeling was worse than despair anything any of this murder could hold over my head the captive state my own brain has put me in was worse. Far worse. I have closed myself off for days, I can't eat, I can't sleep I feel like I'm driving myself crazy but it's the only way I can rationalize my own brain the only way I feel like I can control it, like it's a lost bug gonta will smash if I let it out. I pace around my room screaming in intervals everytime my brain tries to consume my thoughts.

Shuichis pov:
Its been days almost every day I swing by Kokichis. I can hear him losing it, the occasional screams followed by him smashing something his heart wrenching cries, I can't even begin to understand what's going on in his head, but I'm scared for him. I make my way to his room knocking loudly "KOKICHI C'MON" I hear the door burst open as he looks at me, his eyes are cloudy like he's lost himself, his eyes are glazed over. I pull him into my arms, there's no fight no battle he's just shaking, "I'm done with the lies Shuichi, I can't cover it up anymore" I step into his room letting him rant to me the only breaks he has are between sobs and to catch his breath, I have no idea how to comfort him apart from to hold him in my arms, his brain sounds horrific, that this is his reality every single day. "It's okay Kokichi, you never had to be alone, you never had to seclude yourself you always could have called for help, I know the group seems cold but a big majority of us aren't monsters" Kokichi laughs softly keeping his eyes blown wide to ground himself as he latches on to me. His fingers softly glide over my palm "This must feel odd huh? You've been alone this probably feels unfamiliar" I chuckle softly kissing at his palms letting the warm sink in
"You don't need to hide we'll fight this together"
"Thank you Shumai"

A/N: Shortest chapter because my head is a fucking storm, my brain is clouded and I don't know anything anymore! 😊 I am truly unhinged!.

Word count: 518

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