Sick Kokichi

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Summary: Kokichi gets sick ;-; and Shuichi comes to take care of him

Shuichi's pov:
"Rise and shine ursine!" I hear the morning announcement play I'll never get used to hearing it I put on a change of clothes and make my way to the dining hall I notice everyone's there except Kokichi usually it wouldn't bother me but we've become closer as of late, though I don't think Kaito or Maki or anyone else approves sure he lies a lot but he's not a bad person there's probably a reason anyway "Where's Kokichi?" I ask everyone "Why do you care where the fucking virgin is want to go bang him? Ha ha!" I hear Miu retort, I sigh and go to walk off
"Shuichi's he's sick it's best to leave him be" Rantaro interrupts of course he would know him and Kokichi are practically best friends I don't know why it makes me jealous I ask Kirumi to bring some medicine in a bit as I walk off to Kokichis room I knock and wait for a reply "Kokichi its me Saihara~chan" I giggle to myself a bit stealing the nickname Kokichi gave to me, the door opens and I'm met with a very sniffly Kokichi I walk in and without thinking carry him back to bed closing the door behind me

Shuichi's pov:"Rise and shine ursine!" I hear the morning announcement play I'll never get used to hearing it I put on a change of clothes and make my way to the dining hall I notice everyone's there except Kokichi usually it wouldn't bother me bu...

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"Jeez you really are sick if you were any paler you might go transparent" I lightly touch his forehead wow hes burning up "One sec" I walk to his bathroom and wet a flannel for him

Edit: (I'm English idk what you guys call it over in America wash cloth? a flannel is the exact same thing)

I come back over and gently place it on his head
"Mmph Saiharaaaaa its too cold!" Kokichi complains "I know but you're burning the medicine should be here soon" I smile softly and brush his hair up "No! medicine tastes like shit" The purple haired boy speaks back "You whine like a kid Kokichi" I can't help but laugh usually Kokichi would fake cry and laugh it off with a lie but he sniffles and rolls over "This is why Rantaro takes care of me and not you he knows how senstive I get when I'm sick" I feel instant regret and pull Kokichi to my chest I don't know why I did it maybe because I want to be better then Rantaro I honestly don't know why though "Hey hey I'm sorry it was a joke" I hear a knock at the door "ONE SEC!" I gently sit Kokichi up and make my way over to the door "Here are the medicines you requested Saihara" She bows it still suprises me how polite she is "May I ask how Ouma is doing?" Kirumi adds
"Oh hes fine a bit sniffy and pale but hes not throwing up or anything" I smile and thank her for the medicine before closing the door "I got the medicine come on I know its gross but you need to take it" I put a glass of water on the side "Open up"
I sigh "So you're not gonna make this easy are you"
I see Kokichi's evil smile come onto his face oh god whats he planning "Maybe I'll taste a bit only if I get to taste you after Shumai~" Kokichi follows with a wink I swear I could feel the blood rush to my face I didn't know what to say "OH MY GOD THAT WAS PRICELESS YOUR REACTION" The smaller taunts I rub my head and hold the medicine to Kokichi "Just take it" I sigh
"Awe I'm sorry you can have a kiss if you wanttt toooo"
"You're just lying again and I don't want to catch what you have" I push the spoon in his mouth I try not to laugh as Kokichis face scrunches up
"One more spoon then you're done" I hand him a glass of water and waits till hes done drinking "NO YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL ME SOMEONE HELP" I panic knowing these walls aren't sound proof...Thanks Miu.... Both my hands are full and I know people are around I panic and kiss him the world stops I don't pull away but neither does Kokichi it takes me by suprise I gently hold his face in my hands till we pull apart for air "I didn't expect you to take me up on that kiss" Kokichi smirks
"J-Just take your medicine!" I blush furiously and pour another spoonful surprisingly Kokichi doesn't argue "Don't worry Mister detective I'll be your personal nurse when you get sick" The liar teases I try not to choke on the air around me "That was just a lie!" The smaller rolls around laughing inbetween coughs "Okay calm down I don't need you to make yourself worse" I lay down next to Kokichi playing with his hair "Get some rest I was gonna leave but you'll just cry say it was a lie then mope around because it wasn't really" I confidently speak
"Ah- Well uhm you're not wrong mister detective well done" The smaller sighs almost seeming defeated I scruff his hair and rest him on top of me "Oh hush I haven't figured you out yet" I smile and kiss his head "Now rest"
"Fine fine!" Kokichi slowly closes his eyes I'm so glad it was me and no one else who was lucky enough to take care of him. I guess a nap myself wouldn't hurt. I make sure Kokichis fully asleep before I shut my eyes and doze off myself.

Word count: 969

UHMMM THANK YOUUU This books been alive for 10 days and we're at 204 reads HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN thank all of you for reading my book 🤡

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