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Summary: This takes place during the killing game, Shuichi confronts Kokichi but he's not having it.

Kokichi's pov:
I was just strolling round the school trying to look for something to do, I find it's better to distract yourself rather then face the issue at hand, but that doesn't go for everyone, clearly. Majority of the others are still looking for a way out, personally I think they're all fucking idiots I don't see why you would play along, they're never going to listen to me but I tried to warn them, trying to get along only makes things worse, it just gives that half and half bitch bear more bait to use against us. I run my hands through my hair and rest them behind my neck. Before I can get my bearings I feel myself being yanked behind a wall, I try to yell but a hand covers my mouth. "Ouma be quiet please" I recognise the voice and instantly feel my body relax "Shuichi?" He slowly removes his hand from my mouth and lets me turn around to see him, I expect to meet a soft face but when my eyes meet the detectives it seems to be pure hatred, I tilt my head in confusion trying to figure out what's happened for him to be looking at me like this. "What the hell is your game Kokichi" He grabs me by my scarf "What's gotten into you Saihara-chan?~" I tease trying to hide the concern in my voice. "You, your dumb lies have gotten into me, WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS, You realize you're going to die alone!" The words cut through me like knives as he presses the only button in me that causes me to flip, I reverse the roll and push him against the wall scowling in his face "YOU DON'T THINK I FUCKING KNOW THAT SAIHARA!?" I don't think I've ever used his last name properly without teasing at the end "I KNOW THAT AND I'M WILLING TO SACRIFICE THAT TO KEEP EVERYONE SAFE BECAUSE IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED WHICH ISN'T SUPRISING BECAUSE YOU'RE THE MOST OBLIVIOUS DECECTIVE I'VE EVER MET BUT I CARE ABOUT YOU A WHOLE LOT TO THE POINT THAT I QUESTION IF I MIGHT BE IN LOVE WITH YOU" I pause for a second to catch my breath "If you spent a MOMENT trying to understand my thought process you would get that I'm not as crazy as I sound and I am willing to throw away my likability and popularity because I CAN'T LOSE ANYONE ELSE. I lost my real parents not that I minded losing those abusive cunts but I also got dragged into this bullshit game and taken away from my gang who were my ONLY family" I loosen my grip and step away still maintaining eye contact "You still have your uncle you have someone to go home to, you have a hot meal waiting for you when u get home. YOU HAVE SOMEONE TO CRY TO WHEN THE WORLD FEELS LIKE ITS ENDING do you even think about the possibility that my 'Neheehee it's a lie' shit is just an act does it cross your mind that maybe if we weren't in a KILLING GAME maybe I would act a little different, SUPRISINGLY I want to be here just as much as you!" I take one final shove at him and walk off, I really needed to get all that off my chest and damn did it feels good, I tend to do then think after but for once I don't care about thinking the consequences of saying all this is a problem for future me.

*Time skip*

Shuichi's pov:
I stand outside Kokichis door replaying everything he said, How the fuck did I never notice?, How am I meant to call myself the ultimate detective if- No this isn't about me I'm here for him. I knock on his door and wait a little rocking on the balls on my feet until I finally hear the door open, I see Kokichi stood there with bags under his eyes, did I wake him? He invites me in and I decide to go for it I slam the door closed and pick him up "SHUICHI WHAT THE HELL" I ignore his kicking and push him onto the bed "HEY HEY STOP" I put my hand over his mouth
"Kokichi I'm not going to try anything I just didn't want u to make a bigger fuss then I knew you already would and I want you to be comfy whist I talk to you" I pull him into my lap and stroke his hair

"You know I'm gonna try my best to make sure we don't lose anymore people" I gently lift his face up and boop his nose "That includes you" I return his head back into the crease of my neck "I'm sorry I should of noticed before that you were holdin...

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"You know I'm gonna try my best to make sure we don't lose anymore people" I gently lift his face up and boop his nose "That includes you" I return his head back into the crease of my neck "I'm sorry I should of noticed before that you were holding all of this in, how the hell did you last so long? I don't know anyone else here who could have all that going on and not loose it"
"Heh well I had Tenko, Although she hated men when we actually sat down together *cough* after she beat me up *cough* but when I actually explained my reasoning she took a huge liking to me and was basically like a big sister who kicks ass, then obviously... Korekiyo happened. I lost her, so I decided fuck it what else do I have left to lose the only person who was willing to listen was gone."
I feel my heart smash as I pull him in tighter and rub his back "Sweetheart" I feel my face instantly burn up "I- UH" I hear a small giggle beneath me as I look down to see Kokichi with the brightest smile ever, it's not even that. It was the realist smile ever, Although I feel like I'm about to explode for embarressment I would do anything to keep him smiling, I softly connect our lips pulling away between every kiss to see him smile before going back for more

 It was the realist smile ever, Although I feel like I'm about to explode for embarressment I would do anything to keep him smiling, I softly connect our lips pulling away between every kiss to see him smile before going back for more

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His lips are so so soft, like a girls. I smirk to myself before gently pulling him down on the bed on top of me "I promise to keep you safe Kokichi Ouma"
"And I promise to still be a little shit Shuichi Saihara"

*Time skip*

So how did it end up like this. The person I loved, the person I swore to protect with my life, THE PERSON I PROMISE I WOULD NOT TO LET ANYONE ELSE DIE. How did it end up like this, crowded round a stand fighting for his justice trying to find out who killed my love, trying to find out who killed Kokichi.

Word count: 1138

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