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A/N: see end of story

Summary: Kokichis struggling but a certain someone comes to help

Kokichi's pov

I haven't eaten a proper meal since we got into this dumb game I drink panta and will have a peice of fruit occasionally. I think people are starting to notice I walk into the dining hall and sit down "Will you be eating today?" Kirumi questions I shake my head Kirumi places my panta on the table "Haha fucking loser starving yourself!" I hear Miu bark across the table I feel myself start shaking a little and my fits clench under the table "H-Hey I don't think thats very nice to say" Tsumugi remarks probably the only time I'll ever be thankful for her existence "Awe we all standing up for Cockichi haha why though no one likes him just let him starve hahah fucking loser!" I push my chair back and knock it over causing everyone to stare at me I have a million things I want to say but insted I turn and walk out the door, as I'm walking to my room a sudden wave of dizziness hits me. I feel like my worlds spinning, the darkness closes in and I feel myself hit the floor

Shuichi's pov

I sit there stunned as Kokichi slams the door behind him. It can't be true can it? "I hope you're happy" I turn around to see Maki with a face of thunder staring at Miu "Hahaha what!? none of us like him maybe if he just killed himself Monobitch would get off our back hahaha" Within a second Miu is pinned against a wall by her throat connecting to Makis arm we all move away "Maybe if I killed you we wouldn't have to deal with such a ignorant whore" I'm taken aback I never would of thought Maki would stand up for Kokichi she lets go of Miu causing her to fall to her knees and gasp I decide to leave. I start walking back to my room but am stopped in my tracks when I see a familiar purple haired boy on the ground I run over no no please I grab his wrist oh thank Atua he's still alive!
He's cold though, I gently lift him up

 I start walking back to my room but am stopped in my tracks when I see a familiar purple haired boy on the ground I run over no no please I grab his wrist oh thank Atua he's still alive!He's cold though, I gently lift him up

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H-He's scarily light...He really hasn't been eating I make my way over to his room and take his key out his pocket he slowly starts to stir I place him on his bed and sit on the end waiting for him to come around

Kokichi's pov

I wake up with a massive head ache "Ouch how did I get in my room?" I slowly sit up "H-Hey t-take it e-easy" I jolt up causing a sudden head rush I instantly fall back down "Mister detective alone in my room with me" I smirk I might as well keep this up maybe it will make him think I'm okay "Not only that but also alone with me whilst I was unconscious" I gasp
"N-NO YOU GOT THE WRONG I-IDEA I I PROMISE IT'S A M-MISUNDERSTANDING!" The taller boy defends I giggle and tangle my fingers inbetween his "Awe well Saihara chan of course that was just a lie you're way too shy to do anything but I would let you if you wanted" I cheekly smile "O-Ouma stop a-answer me w-why aren't y-you eating?" I feel my heart speed up maybe I can cover this one up "Oh silly I do eat just when no one else is around" I smile
"That's a lie Kokichi and w-we both know it Kirumi n-never sees you and you're unhealthly light e-even for me" I panic a little "Mister detective don't you think you're prying too much better he careful there Shumai don't wanna do that to the wrong personnn~" I gently kiss him on the cheek "Now go I'm tired" I lay my head on my pillow but insted feel arms wrap around me "S-Shuichi what are you-" did I really just stutter? "I-I d-don't t-trust t-that y-your not gonna d-do anything s-stupid so I-I'm staying" I hear my beloveds voice break if I knew he was this worried I would of at least pretended, I feel his body warmth wrap around my whole body I never realised how cold I was till now not gonna lie I never thought I'd be a little spoon but with him it doesn't seem to bad I smile to myself before closing my eyes, I haven't slept in so long maybe with my new found emo things might get easier...just a little

•Important notice•
A/N: My mental health really isn't doing too good at the moment so if my stories take a sad turn it's my way of letting it out I'm super sorry if I stop posting for a while I just need the time to be okay again thank you all for understanding💜

Word count: 850

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