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A/N: I wasn't at school today so I thought I should write insted uhm its like a month later my bad

Summary: Kokichi deals with an issue a lot of us do

Kokichi's pov
I'm gonna make it short and simple neheehee~ I'm gay of course. to Rantaro and Keebo its not a suprise they've known since primary school (Sorry I'm British) even when I didn't, I giggle to myself lightly but now a bigger issue has arisen "The infamous Kokichi Ouma likes Shuichi Saihara" rumours they will be the end of me, I mean its true of course it is look at him!

 to Rantaro and Keebo its not a suprise they've known since primary school (Sorry I'm British) even when I didn't, I giggle to myself lightly but now a bigger issue has arisen "The infamous Kokichi Ouma likes Shuichi Saihara" rumours they will be ...

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Just his name makes my heart flutter.

But if he finds out it will ruin me I'll have to leave school change my name become Carlos Elivancos and move to Portugal I have to play off everytime someone makes a remark when we're together but I feel like I'm breaking I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep it up for, everyday he seems more distant because of all the shit everyones saying It's making me lose my mind! I thought I would of been able to hold on longer but that one fateful day ruined it all.

I was walking into drama with Keebo, Rantaro and Shuichi we had been briefly discussing how stupid the new motive was we sat on the stage to take register and I feel a sight tap I turn to see Maki she looks at me and then Shuichi sitting next to me then back at me and glares. Maki has always been one of the toughest girls in school but I could already feel my blood boiling (I'd like to say in advance theres some strong homophobic vibes from Maki this isn't cannon or a hc of mine I just need plot) Maki leans over her desk and taps Shuichi "I'd be careful sitting next to that rat he might try touch you" I bite my lip drawing blood and repeat to myself 'Shes not the girl to mess with' Shuichi passes me a note 'Its ok' I smile softly and hold the note "Look at him Shuichi hes getting way to much pleasure from that note...Fa****" I snap just that single word I stand up from my desk and punch her with all my might before I can react I'm ushered away by Shuichi, Keebo and Rantaro when it clicks my world seems to stop every thought of the new rumours of how I hit a girl how I can't control my temper seem to consume me till Keebo shocks me out my trance and I yelp "Kokichi u need to calm down" (I just had a hc of Baymax Keebo)

AN: Oof ya boi might be getting expelled

"How am I meant to calm down! I already have enough people talking about me now I'm about to have more shit!" I feel the tears in my eye as I let out a slight whimper "I don't want to do this anymore" I stand up and start pacing everything seems to blur "To be fair this is why I don't tell people I'm gay" I stop in my tracks and turn to the boys to see Rantaro and Keebo staring at Shuichi everything seems to pause.



I slowly turn my head to Shuichi "You didn't hear that" Shuichi shrugs "I-I mean I did and I-I'm not gonna judge you because honestly same" Me Rantaro and Keebo all look dumbfounded "Same?"
"Did I stutter?" The emo boy states which takes me back a little
"Not at all I just didn't expect you to come out like this?"
"I-Its not really coming out y-you guys can't tell me y-you wern't a l-little bit sus" We all think back and one by one realise the signs "Wow we're real fucking oblivious which is ironic considering we're literally the three gay muskateers" (Idk if thats spelt right and I'm too sick to care) We all burst into a fit of laughter "A-Also don't worry about Maki s-she totally deserved that?"
Keebo interrupts "Isn't she your friend?"
"N-Not after that"
Rantaro pats Shuichi on the back "Good for you"
I can't help but feel a little hopeful "Lets say we all get out of here before I get expelled?" They all nod, the adrenalin starts to kick in we bolt into the classroom in fits of giggles grabbing our bags and bolting it for the gates Keebo goes first as hes the strongest then Rantaro then Shuichi and finally me as Shuichi pulls me up I can't help but stare into those beautiful colourless but warm eyes though it only lasted for a moment before I jumped down, we all caught our breaths inbetween laughing. We all slowly made our way to my house as its the closest and I live alone. We all dump our bags in the kitchen and grab a snack before popping on a movie me and Shuichi look over to see Rantaro and Keebo cuddling "HA GAY" We then proceed to throw popcorn at them "Oh suck my d***" Shuichi coughs "A-Apparently thats K-Keebos job" My eyes widen as well as my jaw dropping and I can't help but burst out laughing "Oh my atua Saihara~chan you are brilliant" I slowly make my way into his lap during the movie and find myself asleep by the end of it. I'm glad today turned out the way it did, sure I'm screwed for school tomorrow but here in this moment I am happy. Though I'm not ready to confess to him yet, I'm willing and prepared to take my time though sure I like to tease I want to get to know my detective as much as possible plus it will make for a much more fun game if I know how to toy with him. I smirk to myself and embrace the comfort I'm in.

word count: 1021

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