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Summary: After Kokichi finds out who the mastermind is will he stick around?

A/N: I'm not sticking to how it actually goes I'm keeping my babys 😂

Kokichi's pov

Me, my beloved, Rantaro, Keebo and Gonta stand behind our podiums for the class trial 1 out of the 4 of these people infront of me are the mastermind I'd be lying if I said this was fun they were like my replacement D.I.C.E I don't know what to do all confidance had drained of me I reach over to my childhood friend Shuichi and take his arm "Please just tell me it's going to be okay my beloved detective will figure this all out right?" I turn to Shuichi but instantly realise it's not my Shumai his eyes are sparkling and he's smiling like a phyco "I-It's you isn't it?" I ask
"Whatttt of course not I'm not the mastermind puhuhu" My eyes widen thats monokumas laugh "You're a horrible liar and a liar knows a lie when they hear one" I stumble back only to be caught by Rantaro "Puhuhu what a shame this had to end so early~" Shuichi pulls out a remote from his pocket and rubs his finger around the button "But I can't let my little liar die" Shuichi grabs my arm and pulls me to his podium before pressing the button I watch as Gonta gets stung to death with a smile still on his face Rantaro repeatedly bashed around the head Keebo put into a junk machine and boxed up I feel my heart snapping at every scream "STOP IT STOP IT!" I screech feeling my knees give way but I'm caught

E I don't know what to do all confidance had drained of me I reach over to my childhood friend Shuichi and take his arm "Please just tell me it's going to be okay my beloved detective will figure this all out right?" I turn to Shuichi but instantl...

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"W-Why!?" I can't even put on a mask my whole world felt like it had come crashing down "Ah ah thats no way to talk to someone who let you live why do you need them anyway?" He started rubbing my back which strangely calmed me down "You didn't need them I've been your friend since childhood I've always been here for you" Shuichi tempts I sniffle and hold onto him I shouldn't want to be near him I should want to hurt him so bad right now but I can't bring myself to do it I feel a sharp pain in my neck as my world darkens

*Time skip to that night*

A rush of pain jolts me up "Hey hey take it easy Kokichi" I turn to Shuichi and feel the happiness drain out of me I remember everything but I can't seem to hate him I look up "What did you inject me with" I spit harshly
"Jeez it was just some tranquilizer you were way to emotional and I was worried you'd do something stupid in turn getting you kill but anyway phuhuhu" the laugh still causes each hair on my body to stand straight "Pack your stuff we're going home theres no point keeping you here anymore" I cautiously stand up
"No lies?" I question
"I haven't got time for you to doubt me come on" Saihara walks off as I absently minded start following knowing this could just be a trap

"Whats going to happen once I leave?" Thoughts rush through my head "Well you'll get all your memories back and things will make sense phuhuhu you'll go back to how you were before you joined the game just like I am now~" I stop walking 'Like am I...

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"Whats going to happen once I leave?" Thoughts rush through my head "Well you'll get all your memories back and things will make sense phuhuhu you'll go back to how you were before you joined the game just like I am now~" I stop walking 'Like am I now' was old me really that shy that my best friend and lover was a psychopath I grab my stuff from my room whilst shaking 'What if its all a trap' I make my way over to Shuichi whilst looking down "Hey head up Ouma you're gonna be free and things will go back to how they were puhuhu~" I feel rage flow through me I lunge forward only to be caught by Shuichi and shoved to the ground
"Now why would you do that?" The taller male leans over me and holds his hand out "Come on we haven't got all day" I take a deep breath in and take his hand as he pulls me to my feet I huff and start walking "Just get me out of here so I can go back to D.I.C.E"
"As you wish puhuhu" Shuichi takes my hand as a sense of comfort takes over I mentally slap myself no he's a murderer! "What is my little liar thinking about?" I roll my eyes at the monster I once called my beloved "Thinking about how I could kill you but of course thats a lie neheehee~" I push the laugh out of myself and keep walking a blinding light shoots through me and everything goes dark

*Time skip to a week later*

I can't see anything I can't remember anything all I know is I need my Saihara~chan I feel my eyes flutter open as I wince at the sudden brightness am I in a hospital? what happened to me! I sit up "Ow what the-" I look down and see needles in me connected to i.v lines and monitors I start to panic "Hey hey Ouma you're okay you're finally awake" I look around to see my beloved Shuichi next to me he slowly starts playing with my hair "What happened?" I question as he lays me back down "Do you remember anything?" The taller asks I shake my head "So the names Rantaro Keebo and Gonta don't ring a bell" I think for a moment before shaking my head "D-D-Did Saihara chanh h-hit his head I h-have no idea w-who they are" I rub the back of my head waiting for an answer but insted Shuichi plants a kiss on my head "I missed you Kokichi" are those tears I see? I hold Shuichis hand in mine as I reluctntly close my eyes a huge headache takes over "Shh go back to sleep puhuhu you'll be okay soon" Shuichis laugh has always unsettled me he's been watching too much Danganronpa I guess I smile to myself and him before letting the tiredness take over.

Word count: 1030

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