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Summary: Kokichi's gone on a few night trips Shuichi decides to find out where he's going.

Shuichi's pov

I've been with Kokichi for a 2 years and a half now we even moved in together our lifes been going pretty easy of course some things come back to haunt us when we're reminded of that dreadful k-kill I can't even say it in my head... But you know what I mean a new case had been given to me about a week ago "The phantom theif" he calls himself, as childish as the name is they're no amateur at what they do I've been on this case for a month and haven't had an interaction with him, I'm on lookout tonight at the bank apparently he's going for his biggest heist yet, I give Kokichi a quick kiss on his forehead and head off.

*Time skip*

It's been a few hours now and no sign of him. I sit on the step and relax about 10 minutes go past and out of nowhere catching me off gaurd screaching alarms go off all my instincts kick in as well as every thought from training as I run towards the building I burst open the doors THERE HE IS! I see the white cape swing behind the wall as I follow, I end up on top the roof giving chase I won't let him go this time I break into a full sprint and manage to grip his cape pulling him back and making him fall I catch him as much as I want him caught I don't want a lawsuit on my hands for hurting him I turn him to me "Ahh mister detective neheehee~" I feel my heart stop I'd recognise that voice everwhere "K-Kokichi!?" I take off his mask

 I sit on the step and relax about 10 minutes go past and out of nowhere catching me off gaurd screaching alarms go off all my instincts kick in as well as every thought from training as I run towards the building I burst open the doors THERE HE I...

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I'm stunned for a second without a doubt thats my Kokichi his beautiful purple eyes and hair and the checkered pattern with the stupid laugh I've grown to love right infront of me his pale skin highlighted by the moon. "Y-You're the phantom theif!?"
"Of course my beloved why are you suprised I told you I was the supreme leader" Kokichi smirks and leans up to me "I-I thought it w-was a joke" I rub the back of my head "Welp I guess I am a liar so its hard to believe but you know its cause I wanted you to catch me~" By this time Kokichi had wrapped his arms around me and was starting intensely into my eyes I could feel my heart racing a little "It's like a game of cat and mice neheehee I get to see my Shumai chase after me and I get to have some fun seeing you be all vigilant and never catch me...Of course until now" The smaller winks causing a blush to spread across my face I gently kiss him "W-What am I g-onna do with you?" thoughts rush through my head I don't want my little liar locked up b-but I can't lie... I feel a sudden weight in my hand I look down to see a bag "Everything I've managed to take before you've managed to catch on to me is in that bag I couldn't let our little game to an end now neheehee!~" before I have time to react Kokichis already off making a run "See you at home dinner will be on the table! neheehee~" The shorter shouts up to me making me giggle a little

*Time skip*

I end up returning everything to the station and getting money as payment for retrieving the stolen goods I don't deserve it but they'll question if I argue I make my way home to Koko and open the door to a delightful wiff of food I assume Kokichi doesn't hear me as hes still 'Singing' in the kitchen is that... I snicker to myself oh my Atua hes singing Toxic

I laugh and make my way into the kitchen "H-Hi" Kokichi turns around and jumps onto me "My beloved!"

I hold him in my arms whilst taking off my hat and placing it down "Y-You're a pain you know" I laugh nervously "I know buttt I make things exciting" my love teases I sigh at him "You're gonna get us in t-trouble" I look away a little not wanting ...

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I hold him in my arms whilst taking off my hat and placing it down "Y-You're a pain you know" I laugh nervously "I know buttt I make things exciting" my love teases I sigh at him "You're gonna get us in t-trouble" I look away a little not wanting to see the puppy dog eyes radiating off Ouma "Okay I won't do it anymore but you still have to play into my fantisies!" I spit out a cough questing if I heard that right but of course as I go to turn around the purple haired boy had already bolted down the hall "CATCH ME MISTER DETECTIVE NEHEEHEE~" I feel the excitement rush through me as I start feeling like a kid again I decide to give chase to my little liar resulting in a night of me catching him and cuddling him to the floor no matter how bad those flashbacks get they'll always be manageable i-if I have him by my side.

A/N: Sorry this has taken so long to post again school started also lifes hectic atm I've literally been panting my room for 2 days now so I couldn't work on it then and during the week I'm exhausted when I come home welp anyway I hope you like the stories so far 😋

Word count: 908

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