The truth

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Summary: Shuichi is sick of Kokichis lies but he goes to far (read on to find out the rest uwu)

Author note: Yes I know Shuichis v shy boy but me and Phoebe were bored and decided Shuichi had a short fuse and Kokichi could handle anything except having D.I.C.E talked about so 🤷🏼‍♀️

Shuichi's pov:
I couldn't believe my eyes the person I trusted was a murderer, we has just watched Keades horrific execution everyone else was sobbing except one. Kokichi he had been useless the whole trial and lied whenever he did speak maybe if he had just kept his mouth shut we would of had more time maybe if he was useful we could of come to a comprimise.... I need to calm down I notice he's the first one to leave I decide to follow him back to his room without thinking "KOKICHI" The smaller boy turns around "Yesss Saihara~chan?" How dare he sound so happy in a situation like this I pull him into his room and he looks stunned for a second and smirks again "Here to kill me Saihara? just like Keade did to Rantaro" I feel anger boil in me "We both know I don't have the guts to kill just like that. just like D.I.C.E to weak to kill just like you" I don't even realize Kokichis fist clenched till he grabs my shirt pulling my down to him "You listen here Saihara you can talk about me all you like but don't you DARE bring my family into it" I grab at his shirt equalling us out

E to weak to kill just like you" I don't even realize Kokichis fist clenched till he grabs my shirt pulling my down to him "You listen here Saihara you can talk about me all you like but don't you DARE bring my family into it" I grab at his shirt ...

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My hand seems to move on his own and before a realize it my open hand is across Kokichis face he stumbles back with fear in his eyes and dashes....What have I done

Kokichi's pov:
I feel a stinging sensation course through my face he hit me... I start running not knowing where I'm going the tears in my eyes blur my vision until I run into something "Ouchie" I look up at the figure "Ah Gonta so sorry! Is Ouma okay!?" I sniffle a little and try to hide my face "Yeah no worries big guy" I speak obviously lying to him whilst smiling "Oh Gonta just think Kokichi look sad Gonta will give hug" I feel a warm embrace around me as I wipe my eyes Gonta's probably the only person who doesn't want me dead including myself...After I hug back he puts me down I smile at him and run out into the gardens I go to a far away tree (Book reference) I slide down it and zone out I feel my cheeks getting warmer as tears trickle down them but I'm brought back as a little bear comes around the corner "Oh hey Monophanie" though I wanted to be alone right now at least I knew I wasn't going to get hurt and she was like least annoying out of the 6 bears "Hi sorry Kokichi to interrupt you I saw what happened between you and Shuichi you forget theres cameras in your room I never liked violence so I came to see if you were okay" Monophanie sighs "Thank you for coming to see me Monophanie but really I'm fine" I smirk
"Your lies don't work on me but I understand if you want to be alone" Before I can speak she dissapears but not long after I hear heavy footsteps they're not Gontas though they sound angry? Maki? no I haven't done anything to her yet but to be fair Maki is an assassin I guess no one needs a reason with her. I look up and see Shuichi "Heh if you wanna hit me again go ahead nothing a supreme leader like me hasn't already delt with" before I can carry on I feel Shuichis arms wrap around me "Ouma~Kun-"
"Call me Kokichi" Shuichi sighs
"Kokichi I never should of hit you" He kisses my cheek causing a new kind of heat to spread across my cheeks "It was wrong of me to do that I don't know what came over me please forgive me" I smile softly and stoke his cheek "Oh Saihara how could I ever forgive you." I smile creeply Shuichi seems to back oh "That was just a lie of course I forgive you my beloved" I laugh and Shumai lets out a little giggle I can't help but kiss him on the head "Hey how about as a sorry I walk you to dinner also sorry I took so long to get here I had to make sure Kirumi had Panta for you" Shuichi giggles "Wow just marry me already" I joke and see a new formed blush on Shuichis face "That was just a lie" Before Shumai can reply I grab his arm and start walking to dinner

" I smile creeply Shuichi seems to back oh "That was just a lie of course I forgive you my beloved" I laugh and Shumai lets out a little giggle I can't help but kiss him on the head "Hey how about as a sorry I walk you to dinner also sorry I took ...

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"Kokichi you don't need to hold me"
"Yeah well you slapped me in the face so I think I deserve it" I wink and walk into the dining hall with Shuichi still arm in arm no one else really pays attention at least so I though
"Hey sidekick! whys this liar got his arm around you!" Kaito starts walking over and before I realize whats going on Shuichis dragged away...I'm not usually one to strop but todays been a rough day I had to watch the only source of hope Keade and the only person out of 2 that i trusted Rantaro die I slam the dining room doors behind me and start walking back to my room I know Kirumi will bring me my dinner, as I shut my door I get into my pyjamas and role into bed

I hear a knock at my door "Who is it" I sigh "Its Kirumi I brought dinner" I open the door and thank her before abruptly slamming it, after I finish I make my way back to the dining hall ignoring everyone and cleanin my plate before going back to ...

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I hear a knock at my door "Who is it" I sigh "Its Kirumi I brought dinner" I open the door and thank her before abruptly slamming it, after I finish I make my way back to the dining hall ignoring everyone and cleanin my plate before going back to my room once I return I lay down and start reading I've never been a big fan of words but what else am I meant to do here "Hey Kokichi its me Shuichi can I come in" he took his time.
"Mhm unlocked" I roll over facing away from my door as I feel Shuichis body head wrap me up and move backwards a bit till we're bascially spooning "Are you gonna ignore me Kokichi I would if come sooner but Kaito probably would of stabbed me"
"Don't joke about that just kidding thats a lie I don't care" I try to speak back but Shuichi could hear the tiredness in my voice "Rough day I know" Shuichi takes the book out my hands and places it on my side "Hey give it back" I turn over and reach for the book but stumble and fall on Shuichi "S-Sorry" I lay back down next to him and sigh before nuzzling into his chest I'm too tired to care about what he says or thinks. I feel his hands start gently caressing my head making me lean into him even more, he gently kisses my head I expect him to leave so I wrap my legs around him "I wasn't going to leave Kokichi"
"How did you kno-"
"Shhhh lets get some rest okay?"
I nod and slowly close my eyes "I love you Saihara~chan" I instantly regret what I had just said "That was just a l-"
"I love you too Ouma~Kun"
I feel my heart skip a beat as I finally doze off.

Word count: 1273

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