Chapter 2

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"Please do not kill me, I am sorry, spare my life don," he said while trembling.

I laughed humorlessly at his expression. I love to see other people's fear.
He thinks that I will spare his life? He is very mistaken because no one double crosses me and continues living. Whoever betrays me will never see the light once again because I will definitely slaughter him.

"Who is the idiot who sent you? Who are you working for?" I asked.

He knows better than to refuse to answer me cause I will make his death slow and a very painful one but if he will answer my question I will guarantee him a quick and a painless death.

"I am working for Raphael De Luca don," he answered.


"What does the idiot want? Why did he send you in my fucking territory?" I asked.

"His businesses and mafia are going bankrupt. He ordered me to come and gain yours and your men's trust so that I can find out when you will be receiving the shipments so that he can attack and steal them."he answered.

As soon as I got what I wanted I killed him instantly without wasting any minute and walked out of the cell.

So the man wants war? Then I shall definitely grant him his request. He messed with the wrong man and he will suffer for that and regret what he did.

I am Adrian Russo , the leader of the Italian mafia. I took over when I turned twenty one years old. I started getting ready for this position when I turned three years old . My first kill was at the age of fourteen .

I am a cold, heartless, ruthless person to people apart from my family who are my parents (the former leaders), my younger sister and my two crazy best friends.

I saw Frank who was standing at the door talking to one of the guards and walked towards him.
As soon as he saw me he talked to the guard and the guard left.

"I want the location of all the warehouses that belong to the Mexican mafia immediately and I don't care how I will get them, I just need the location ." I said to him.

" Okay don," he answered.

We walked into the mansion and found Mark sitting on the couch working on his laptop. Immediately he saw us and he smiled. I shook my head.I wonder how this being always manages to smile every time even when it is not necessary.
As if Frank heard my thoughts.

"What do you find so funny dude? Why are you smiling at us ? We are not some whores that will flirt with us and get us in your bed idiot." He said.

Mark just rolled his eyes at his words and continued working on his laptop. I wonder what's wrong with him since he never shuts up or what is he working on? yet I did not give him any work today!

"I wonder why there is neither any photo of The Enticer on the internet nor her real name. I wonder whether she is fucking hot. Yeah she must be so hot since she is also very dangerous," he said just after I just wondered what was wrong with him.

So this is what he is trying to figure out.

Frank and I looked at each other and started laughing. As you already guessed, Frank and Mark are those best friends.

"Why are you laughing at you morons? " he asked.

"What do you think eeh? She is the best assassin for a reason bro," Frank told him.

"Yaah , yaah ,yaah, whatever. Anyways, are we going to the club since I need to get a drink and a woman to warm my bed?"

"Yeah, we are. let's get going womanizers," Frank said.


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