Chapter 34

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Ariana POV

I really had missed Issa. Where I am today it is because of her always encouraging me and supporting me. I do not know what I could have done without her help. Many people fear her cause she is the enticer but to me she is my guardian angel. She was sent by the almighty to come and rescue me from all my sufferings. I will always be indebted to her. She will always be my family no matter matter her situation, her flaws which I even wonder whether she has.

I will do anything in my power to rescue Lia. She is my only niece now cause Delia is already dead. I will never forgive myself for her death. Yes I may not be the one who killed her but she was kidnapped because of my recklessness. I wish I could reverse time and make amendments on that day so that she can still be here with us but I cannot. I have to accept the truth.

I killed Evans. I may be in love with him but we could never be together. He is an enemy. While Issa was torturing to get answers from him, I knew by his looks that he knew that his father was behind the kids kidnapping before even Issa told him. That is what triggered me the most. We as the Moretti sisters are known as ruthless, heartless and cold murderers but we have never killed the innocent.

I know Issa had done all she could do to keep me away from this kind of life. Killing people but it is who I am. Evans was not the first person I killed. Some few years back when we had just moved into France, there were some men who were waiting for me at the ally and wanted to rape me. At first I pretended that I was begging for their mercy so that they could leave me alone but they did not listen to my cries. I waited until the first man who was their boss started undressing. I held his dick and pretended to be stroking it then I took out my dagger and cut it off. That is when hell broke loose. Even though they were five of them, with the skills that Issa taught me I was able to outsmart them and I killed them all. I never told Issa about that day cause she was pregnant and I did not want to stress her since it was not healthy for the baby.

I do not regret killing him cause one way or another he could have still ended up dead. He was really wasting our time. I do not know why he was not telling us the answers in due time and he could have saved his life. Yes I will miss him but I will have to move on. The important thing right now is to rescue Lia even though I know that Issa wants first to kill Raphael's wife.

I just pity his sister. I somehow feel guilty for killing her guardian angel but I have to push those thoughts aside.

I walked into my bathroom and started cleaning his blood off my body. I feel disgusted. Just looking at it makes me feel nausea. I turned the bath an average temperature. The water was warm to my liking. I added lavender body wash and then walked into the bathtub. I feel relaxed. I need this to get rid of all my thoughts and escape from this earth and go to a place with no drama and bullshit. I really miss my big niece. She will always have a special place in my heart. I felt coldness around my neck and looked at the pendant which had our family photo, Delia, Aurelia, Issa and I. I smiled when I remembered how this photo was taken.
It was out of the kids mischief. I just wonder whether they know anything else other than that. But still they are so clever for kids at their age.

I placed my head at the bathtub corner and closed my eyes and started humming while cleaning myself and also letting the warm water do its magic.

I do not know how many hours I have stayed in the bathtub but I need to get out before Issa comes knocking down my precious door.

Yaah since she took me in I have became a very proud lady and not to add that I am now known as the best fashion designer worldwide. Let me tell you something. It feels so nice to make your own money from scratch and see the money in your bank account growing daily turning from thousands to millions to billions and trillions. It makes you be so proud and self confident considering the fact that you do not need to ask someone permission to do and buy whatever you want with your money. For instance, I have bought the largest and popular restaurant in france. I have not yet found the perfect name to rename it. Actually now that I have thought about that, I will name it after Delia. Yes that will do. Thank you guys for your help.

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