Chapter 27

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Issabella POV

It has been some months since I started living with Russo's family. I have gotten along with all of them. Mr and Mrs Russo have been like parents to me even though sometimes they are so strict like shit! But still I love them. I realized that Aurelia just looks exactly like her grandma. I feel bad cause of keeping her away from her family but they will meet each other after this pending danger is over. They always claim how they are old and they want to see and play with their grandchildren before they die. I always grin when they tell Adrian about it. I just hope that they won't die before meeting them.

I walked downstairs after finishing showering. It has been our routine, Eve and I took always help her mother in preparing breakfast.

"Goodmorning." I said to them.



"How was your night dear?" 

"It was fine thank you."


"So what are you preparing today?"

"Just some pancakes."

"Ooh okay."

We started the cooking. I have really improved on my cooking skills. I miss Ria's cooking. She is the best cook. Sometimes I never understand how she was blessed with a lot of gifts. She is not only the beat chef but also the best designer world wide. Am sure if we were not hiding she would have attained a job as a chef and maybe own her restaurant. I love her so much. I see her as the sister I lost. But sometimes I wonder where my little sis is. I just hope she is fine wherever she is.

I was brought out of my thoughts when someone shook me. I turned around and I was met with two pairs of eyes trying to figure out what was going on and also probably what I was thinking.

I shook my head to them but I knew that they would not believe anything.

"What is it Issa?" Even asked.

"Is everything alright?" 

There just as I said!

"Yes everything is fine."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Issa, please tell us. Once a problem shared is a problem solved."

I sighed at that. Eve never gives up. I hate such people and how I got and became close to her is still a mystery.

"I just miss Ria. I miss seeing her drawings. She used to show me the designs before submitting them to the company. She is asking good in cooking. Since she came into my life. I got used to her cookings. Even though I had maids she still used to prepare meals for me. I just miss her so much. I miss them."


I nodded. They raised their eyebrows as a suggestion for me to explain who were them but I shrugged their questions. That one thing am happy that Aurelia did not inherit the nosiness. She hates mendling in other people's business. She just loves attention. Just an attention seeker. I smirked at that thought and found they were still looking

"Can we continue working before they come downstairs."

They meaning Adrian and his father. I was surprised that Adrian slept so much today. I left him in bed. Yes we always sleep together but not the other businesses.

We have gotten slightly along. I love him but I cannot tell him that until he tells me so. But I hope it will be very soon.

"Did you leave big brother awake?"

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