Chapter 16

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Adrian pov

What I discovered today really shocked me but I have to get at the bottom of this issue.

I drove back to my parent's mansion after dropping Issabelle.

After twenty minutes drive, the mansion's gate was opened, I got out of my black Lamborghini and gave the guards the car keys to pack it.

"Dad." I shouted.

Immediately mam and dad ran to the sitting room.

"What is it son?"Mam asked

"I have some shocking news."

"Adrian. What is wrong? I thought you left to go to the Moretto's mansion an hour ago "

"Yes dad I did. The news is what I got from the visit."

"Okay. So what did you find out from the visit."

"Son please tell us."

"Okay mam. Issabelle is Mr Rossi's first daughter."

"What?" They both shouted and then looked at each other

If the matters were not so serious right now I would smirked.

"Are you sure of what you are claiming son?"

"Yes mam I am sure. I went to their mansion and found them having a dispute. When I spoke and said that I wanted to talk about the Mexican Mafia, Issabelle claimed she had to be there to listen about the mafia that was led by her parent's murderers. When I stated that you and Mr Moretti were Rossi's best friend. She asked her father whether he knew her dad and Mr Moretti said yes and that they knew her before she even told them her name. They met her in a hotel in Spain the night Rossis' died."

"What! I cannot believe it. So her life can be in danger."

"Yes. It is. I wonder why they did not kill her. Maybe she is the heir to same of the properties."

"That is what I also think dad. But something does not seem right. I have to protect her till we find out the truth."

"Yes son. And where is she right now?"

"I drove her back to her house. She refused my offer to come and live with us."

"Son. You do know that she is an independent woman so she can never allow any man to care of her."

I nodded at her words.

Sometimes I wonder if that wise woman is my mam cause she can be silly if she wants to.

"Okay. So let me leave and go back to my work."

"Fine son. But I think you should send some men to keep an eye on her."

"Okay dad. I will do that immediately I arrive."

"Okay. Bye and take care of yourself cause we now have an enemy."

"Yes. I will."

I got out of the mansion and drove towards my main house.

Upon arriving Frank and Mark were waiting for me.

"Don. Welcome back." Mark .

"Just shut up idiot. I have a lot of thongs to think about and we now have one more enemy."

"What?" They both shouted.

"Yes. The Spanish mafia are now our enemies."


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