Chapter 4

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Adrian pov

I placed my hand to the other side of the bed just to find it empty.

What the fuck am the one who leaves them sleeping after fucking them.

She is the first woman who has left me sleeping. At least I know that there is someone who did not sleep with me cause of my position and money.

Speaking of position, I bet she did not know who I am cause she did not address me as Mr Russo or even show any respect.

I need to know who she is cause it seems that she is not afraid of me and also seems dangerous.

I was still shocked who does she think she is to leave me in bed? I wondered as I walked to the closest.

I felt as if I stepped at something. What the fuck! It is her dress. Please do not tell me that she is in my bathroom.

I opened the bathroom door only to find it empty. Fuuks, I exhaled the breath which I didn't realize I was holding.

I wonder what she wore.

I chose and placed my clothes on the bed and walked towards the bathroom so that I can start my day.

As I walked into my office I was followed by Frank.

"Don, sorry but we did not find any location of the Mexican Mafia Warehouses."he said

He is so lucky that he is my best friend right now or else I would have already gotten rid of him.

" Why is that?" I asked.

"There are very hidden. But am planning to send luke to be our mole in his mafia so that he can get us the inform we need," he said.

"Okay, but I hope he won't. reveal our secrets when he gets got." I said.

"Yes don, he is very faithful to our mafia since we recruited and gave him shelter, food, clothes and also a family which he wanted so badly to have," he said.

But am still not yet convinced by his answers I bet I should do something regarding that issue.

"Okay, but immediately he leaves, I want all the location of our warehouse to be changed, you add more security to them. He is too lucky that he doesn't have a family cause we could have threatened him using that," I said.

And yes I know a cold and heartless person, I do what is good for me, my family and my mafia.

"Okay don. Do you need anything else before I leave?" He asked.

I shook my head but before he got a chance to get out, Mark opened the door and peeped.

I honestly don't know what his problem is.

"May I come in?" He asked.

I nodded my head and continued in working on the papers which needed my signatures.

" was your night with your 'woman' ," he asked.

I wished I knew that this is what brought him in my office. I would have refused to let him in.

"Fuck. I swear I have never met such a woman before. She is so sexy and not to forget soooo sweet. You know the thing that shocked me was what? She left me sleeping. Like am the one who leaves them. She is the first woman that has done that," I told that.

"What ! " they said together and I just rolled my eyes at them at their response.
"I bet know you have found our donna,"

"So this girl has really changed the history?"

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