Chapter 19

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Issabelle pov

I walked towards my bed when Ria went to prepare the carbonata for me. This was my first time getting nauseous. I bet it is because my little angel do not like the food. I smiled at the thought that she will just be as selective as my little sister was. I do miss her. I hope I will find her cause deep down I do know that she is still alive. Maybe Raphael took her as his own daughter since he thought that she is the heir of all the Rossi's property? He is very mistaken but I still do not have evidence that he was the one who took her and is with her. Even though I am sinner, I just prayer that she is safe.

I love my baby so much but I will need to have a serious talk with her about her being selective.

I heard a knock at the door. Before I got a chance to reply I heard Issa's voice.

"Issa? Are you okay? Are you sick? Do we need to call the doctor?"

Shit! I forgot about them. They were present when I started feeling nausea. I hate making her worried.

"Am fine sorella"


"Are you sure? May I come in?"


She opened the door, later walked towards me after shutting it.

"So first can you start explaining why you ran away and hid yourself here in France before we talk about your nauseous." She demanded.

I can never hide anything from her cause she is the only person whom we share our emotions even without our knowledge. Therefore she always know when something is wrong with me. I bite my lips.

"Can you stop doing that and start talking?"

I just nodded.

"Okay, I honestly do not know how tell you."

"Just talk."

"Papa was involved in my dad's death." I said in a whisper but she heard it.

"What? Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"How did you find out?"

"The italian don had come to talk to him about the American mafia and I insisted I had to be there cause it involves my parents' murderer. He said that his father and papa were the partners and close friends of dad. I asked dad and he confirmed it to me and he said that he knew him and also knew me before I even told them my name. The previous italian don did not know whether dad had children cause he was a very secretive man. So how did papa know about me? Why didn't he tell me that he knew my dad and he was also involved in the mafia?"

"Am sorry dear. So why did leave?"

"If he truly helped Raphael to kill my parents then my life could be at risk. I have to go in hiding for sometime."

"Yeah. That is very true. You know that you are always welcomed to live here with us?"

"Yes I do know that. But we will be staying here for some weeks before I buy my own house."

"Okay. If that is what you want."

"Thank you so much Issa."

"Before you thank me and you fall asleep, what is wrong with you? Why did you feel nauseous when you came to the dining table? Also Ria told us that you are craving for the carbonata and that she should prepare for it before you go insane."

"Stop exaggerating Issa."

"I am not. So can you start talking before I force the answers out of you?"

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