Chapter 14

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Issabelle pov

It really feels odd. I even want to just laugh at myself.

The enticer is pregnant just wow. She is going to be a mom. She will always be a softy to her baby and do anything to protect her.

I just feel tired, i want to sleep and at the same time I really want a blueberry ice cream. It seems she has a good taste in foods and snacks.

I really love my baby even though I have not yet met her.

And I really need to go to mexico before my pregnancy starts showing which I do not think it will show.

I picked up my phone and ordered for five kilograms of the ice cream. I will spoil my angel even though she is still in my womb.

I decided to take a shower as I wait for the delivery.

I stepped into the bathroom and got rid of my clothes.

I walked towards my bathtub and added some strawberry bubbles and I kept the water temperature average. I walked inside it.

I took a bath for half an hour.

The bath was so relaxing that I did not want to come out of the tub but I needed to.

I took my towel and wiped my body and walked towards the mirror cause I needed to look at myself especially my belly.

I saw a little bump and I smiled.

"Hey baby. Mommy loves you so much and she will do anything to keep you safe. You are my life and I cannot wait for you to come into this world and hold you in my arms. I know you are so beautiful you know why? Cause mommy is so beautiful and daddy is so handsome. I hope you will meet him one day but before that I need to keep you a secret for your protection. I love you my baby girl."

I spoke to her with my hands in my belly.

I wore a short and her dad's hoodie that I had taken the first night we met and she was conceived.

I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen.

"Issa. Did you order for the Ice cream?"

"Yes I need. She is really giving me weird cravings."

Ria laughed.

"Let my niece eat whatever she wants. Am sure she will be full of appetite."

"That she will. Now let me eat it. Hope you do not want some."

"Naah. Am good. I will be in the living room watching tv in case you need me."


I sat at the counter with the ice cream in front of me.

I ate like a baby without caring how I ate it or where I poured it.

I looked outside the house and saw some men trying to look what is inside. I recognized some men as who papa has ordered to be my bodyguards. I really need to come up with a really good idea.

I walked into my room and took my laptop and iphone.

There was a time I went to Paris and I met with a woman. At first I did not know who she was until she was kidnapped. I found out that she was the wife of the France don. I saved her and they were so grateful. They do not know that am The Enticer but they do know that am powerful and they fear me. 

I need to ask a favor from them now. I really do not know where else I should take Ria.

I know that they are neither involved with the American Mafia nor the spanish cause I did a background check on them and hacked their mafia systems hence I can trust them a little.

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