Chapter 10

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Issabelle pov

We got prepared. I wore a darkish maroon off shoulder dress which has a slit on the side. Did my make up and curled my hair. Damn am so sure that am very hot.

I walked towards Abby and Ria.

Ria wore a black princess dress while Abby wore a red dress which was sparkling.

"You are so beautiful."

"Both of my baby sisters will be the most beautiful ladies in the ball."

I laughed at that

"The Moretti's sister are so hot." I said.

"Why are all of you taking long? We have to leave."

Papa shouted from downstairs.

"We are coming papa. Just a minute."

We walked downstairs and our parents looking at us with mouth open.

"My babies are so beautiful. Am proud of whom you have become. Am sure you are the only girls who will be againing attention from all the men."

Mama said.

"I will kill any man who will be eyefucking my daughters."

Papa said.

I chuckled at his protectiveness. He has always being like that. Even at the age of 23 I have bodyguards.

"I thought you were complaining that we will get late? Now both of you have started talking." Abby said.

"You are always ungrateful. You can't say thank you for the compliment?" Mama said.

"Why should I? Obviously am your daughter and am beautiful like daah."

"Okay you are beautiful like me."

"Yes mama you are very beautiful even at an old age. That is why your daughters are more beautiful than you." Ria said.

"I thought that you will at least take my side baby. Issa and her papa are always in one team and now Abby and you? I am definitely going to get another daughter."

"Yes please mama do so."

"So let's get going or am I supposed to push all of you outside?"

Papa said.

"Okay. Guys let us go before the don gets angry and he is not the best person when he is angry."

We walked outside and we drove together in a SUV and bodyguards following.

I looked at papa talking to Ria. He was not like the other don. Some dons never love their children regardless of their gender. They force their daughters into marriage with old man so that they can gain more money and power.

They really disgust me to the core.

Papa is really a gem. He took Ria and I and took care of us as if we are really his daughters. He provided us with love, care and everything a child can ever want from her father.

We arrived where the venue was being held.

Everyone was supposed to go with a partner.

"Am sorry but I have two partners, my sisters so you have to let us go in together after our parents."

Abby said with a cold face making him tremble and just nod his head instead of using his voice

I smirked at that.

"Next we have the Moretti sisters."

I heard someone announce.

We walked inside the room.All eyes were on us  some looking at us with lust, others jealousy, men were eye fucking us.

I felt someone's eyes on me with pride. I searched the crowd until my eyes landed on Adrian.

As soon as he saw that I had seen him he started walking towards me.

"Hello bellissima."

Before I answered his lips landed at mine. It was not the same kiss he gave to me the last time we met. This kiss was full of authority, pride and love? 

I am truly sure that that is not true.

"You are so beautiful principessa. I am so hard for you. I want to take you right here right now but seeing where we are and the circumstances I really pity myself."

"At least you have pitied yourself before I did. Anyways thanks for the compliment. The beauty is all yours to see, touch but not to take it to bed."

This face expreion changed and i chuckled.

" we will see about that amore. I will make you moan out my name loudly as I cum inside you."

"What a beautiful seen?" A voice interrupted us.

I looked towards the direction of the voice and saw it was none other than Raphael De Luca.

"What do you want bastard?"

"Chill man. I come in peace. I was wondering whether you can lend me your bitch for a night."

"What did you call me?"

"What a bitch? Or should I correct myself and say whore."

I wish I could kill him right now but I cannot risk it. I still need answers and after I get them that is when I will certainly slaughter him.

"Do not dare calling me a whore. Am not your whore go back to your bitch of a wife and your mistresses."

"How do know?"

"How do I know about that?"

I asked while laughing humorlessly drawing attention from other people who were near us.

"You are just an old man who can never keep his dick in the pants."

"I dare you talk to me like that. You will regret it."

"Who me? What will I regret? How will you make me regret? You are so shameless. Your mafia is nothing, it is just so weak. You can even neither save nor protect it. I really pity you old man."

"You do not know anything about my mafia. So you better shut up kid. I have been in the mafia before you are born. I know many things."

"Yaah, yeah . whatever. But can you defeat me? Can your mafia protect you? No it cannot."

"I said that you stop talking about my mafia. We can easily defeat your father's mafia.No one can even threaten us, steal my shipments or blow up my warehouses." He shouted.

"Who lied to you? Wasn't one of your warehouse blown up last week."

His expression changed.

"What? Why are you so quiet now? Let me tell you some and listen to me carefully. Do not threaten me cause I will be your worst nightmare. I know all the locations of your warehouses, I already know how many children you have. I know that you are planning to force your youngest daughter into a marriage with the Russian mafia leader and yet she is not yet eighteen. Do not dare anything stupid cause I always have eyes on you."

I took Adrian's hand and walked towards the dancing floor.

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