Chapter 38

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Issabelle pov

I opened my laptop and saw that I had received a pdf. I click on the open page and I was very happy to see the map of the central basement. I guess that we are really making progress.

"Why are you smiling?" Adrian asked.

"Its its just that. No. You just see it for yourself."

He pipped on what was making me smile.

"Wait. Isn't this the central basement map? The one we were wondering where we will get it from?"

I nodded in agreement.

"Where in hell did you find it?"

"Ooh please can you please stop exaggerating. I did not find it in hell. I just asked for it from my father's right hand man."

"Your father Mr Moretti or Late Mr Rossi?" Ria asked.

"My biological dad."

"Ooh okay. At least we now have it we can plan on how to rescue Aurelia." Adrian said.

"What are you both talking about?" Frank asked.

I totally forgot about that.

"We got the map of the place where Aurelia is held hostage."

They nodded in understanding.

Hardly had we started than Adrian's phone started ringing.

"Mom!" He murmured in surprise.

Hello mom. Is everything alright?

I was also worried cause I did not want anything else to happen .

Were you the one who gave the parapazzis the news about Issabelle being still alive and having a twin

Of course not. Why are you asking me this?

Open the TV.

What! Mom what is really going on?

I did not wait till hear it again. I took the remote and switched the channel to CBS news.

What I saw really shocked me. How did they find out all of those pictures information that was in the highlights!
Because of them now everyone knows who I really am. I just hope that dad did not have a lot of enemies cause I do not know what I can do if he did.

"It has been discovered from a convenient source that Mr Rossi's daughter is still alive. However, it is claimed that they had twins but one of the twins was stolen after birth."

They shown a picture of two infacts. I recognized one as me.
Is this how we looked like?
Are the photos really real?

"That is me on the left when I was a child." Bella said.

"On the right is me."

Gosh so it is truly true that she is my twin sister! I looked at her and my eyes became watery. Mom and dad did not get a chance to meet her after she was born. I feel so bad right now. I am going to kill those bastards.
"The Issabelle Rossi and been seen with her twin Issabella in France for awhile now."

A picture once more.
What! It was a picture of Bella and I holding each others hands and Ria was trailing behind us.

"We thought that that is where she had been since her parent's murder. But no. As you can see Ariana Moretti is trailing behind the sisters. After some more investigation we discovered that Issabelle Rossi was rescued by Mr Moretti and his wife who were the closest partners of Mr Rossi. They took Issabelle in and gave her their surname and that is why it was hard to trace the long lost princess. However we just discovered that the person who killed their parents knows about their existence and has kidnapped the two daughters of Issabelle Rossi. The girls name are Delia Russo and Aurelia Russo. And as from their last name you can tell that they are also the daughters of the italian mafia leader Adrian Russo.
One of the girls has been killed when the enemy was trying to get Issabelle attention. It is truly traumatising for a three year old girl to see her five year old sister being raped and killed in front of her without her having strength to help her sister. We just wonder when will the war about who will rule the Mexican Mafia end? Till when will the innocent die? During the last war. The previous leader and his wife died together with their last born Aurelie Rossi."

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