Chapter 43:

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Issabelle pov

I cannot wait. The drive was not quiet. It was filled with stories from everyone about their childhood or one met with the other. I have not yet called papa and mama to inform them that we have Lia.

On the other hand, Abby keeps complaining that we kept her niece from her. Lia is getting along with everyone very well but I can see disbelief and sorrow in the eyes. Since she was born she has never been separated with Li and I know that it is difficult for her to pretend as if everything is alright. She looked me and I saw a tear trying to get out. She is so brave!

She came to me.

"She is no more mommy." She said.

"I know." She broke down and everyone stopped talking.

"You know that Li is always watching over you right?" Ria said.

"Yes but I already miss her aunty. I want my sister back."

It pained me to see her suffering like this. I wish I can something to ease her pain but I know nothing can do that.

"Is Delia's body still in that cell?"

She shook her head. That means that we will not be able to give her a proper funeral.

She cried until we reached our destination.

"Baby. We are already here. Are you ready?"

"Of course I am mommy. Let teach that son of a bitch some manners."

We chuckled at that.

I know seeing Raphael dead will relief her and that is what I want.

They did not change anything. The mansion looks just like I had left it. This is the place where I was born and also where I lost my family.

We killed all of his men who were patrolling outside. We walked inside the house. It seems that they did not hear gunshots and people's scream cause he and his wife were sitting on the couch on the living room.

"What a scenario?" I said and their heads turned into my direction.


"Yes me. I am sorry that I forgot to bring Evans body."

"So it is true he is dead?"

"Of course he is! And I am here to kill both of you."

They told their men who were inside to shot us but we got rid of them before they could.

"Ooh i am sorry but it seems that all of you men are now down." I smirked at that.

" that does not mean that you have won the battle yet." Raphael said.

"Ooh is that so?"

"Yes." His wife said.

I made my way to the kitchen and got a glass. I walked back to the living room and took his whiskey and poured for myself.

"What are you doing. That is my whiskey. This is not your house that you can do whatever you want." He snapped.

"What? This is not your house either. And as far as I can remember this is my parents property." Bella said.

"Who is who between you two?"

We chuckled at that.

"That is for us to know and you to find out."

"Actually you have done good by coming here so that you have sign the properties transfer paper." His wife said.

I laughed at that.

"You are so stupid. We came here to kill you not to give you out properties idiot."

"You should not be so sure about that. What you think because your daughters are dead that you are ahead step of us? You are very mistaken."

"Ooh really? And why is that? And what makes you think that both of my daughters are dead?"

He seemed not to hear about what I said.

"Give me a minute I will be back. Do not worry that I might ran away cause I cannot since I know that I will be a multibillionare after this." He said and ran upstairs.

What is he up to?
I have a bad feeling about this

He came back holding a young girl but I could not see her face.

I started looking at the positions where Adrian and Lia are supposed to be and I saw them. I nodded my head to them and they directed their target to Raphael and his wife.

"Belle." I heard a soft voice.

I know that voice!

"Relie? Is that you?"

She nodded. I started crying.
She tried running towards me but Raphael held her back.

"You had my baby sister all this while?" My anger was building up.
I really want to kill this man right now but I cannot. I cannot grant him a quick and painless death!

"What? Shocked? Yes I had her. You know that I thought that maybe she had access to the fortune but no she was useless. I was actually looking for a rich suitable man so that i can sell her off but you came here instead therefore, tell your people to drop their guns or I shoot her and sign this papers."

I told the guys to drop their weapons and at the same time signalled Adrian and Lia to shoot.

Adrian shot Raphael's arm and Lia knee.
That gave Relie time to ran to me.

"Are you alright?" I asked her as she reached me. She nodded her head.

I signalled them once more and they shot his wife.

"Nooh." Raphael screamed as he saw his wife falling down dead.

"I want to show you something."

At that Adrian and Lia came down.

"My daughter is not dead. What you failed to know when you were eliminating the Rossis is that you did not kill my uncle."

"Uncle Myles?" Relie asked and I nodded my head and pointed at him. She ran to him and hugged him.

"Uncle was the one who rescued Aurelia. Yes you have killed my parents and daughter Li. And in return I have killed your wife and son. It was such a shame that Evans died protecting your ass and you never cared for him."

"Hae there rapist. Actually I was the one who was supposed to kill you for killing my sister but I will always torture you for the left of my life. Take him." Lia said.

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