Chapter 40

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Unknown POV

It has been some hours now that I have been seated here trying to figure out a plan to rescue the girl but I have not yet come up with an ideal one. I have already discovered that the girl is been kept at the central basement.

I was born in the mafia. Actually this same mafia therefore I know all the basements look like. All the rats routes. Everything therefore it will not be hard for me to go in and rescue the girl. The problem s the guards guarding her door. I need to know how I will distract them for sure.

Cigarettes help me to think and calm my nerves. I started my daily routine which is smoking one.


Who is that imbicille that knows how to ruin my places for goodness sake?

"Come in." I yelled angrily.

The person walked in.


"What do you want?"

"Our men are already hiding surrounding the bridge highway."

What! I am in no mood for bullshits right now!
Why should they do that even when I need them to help me rescue the girl what is that name again? Aurelie? Ooh no that is her aunt. But they somehow have similar names. Aurelia. Right! That is the girl's name.

"I am in no mood for nonsense. Tell them to come back here right now."

"But sir....."


He is really wasting my precious time.

"The guy who had been sent into the Mexican Mafia just informed us that there was someone from Issabelle's group who betrayed them and told Ralphael their plan." He explained.

What! Are my nieces aware of the betrayal?

"Raphael and his men are transporting the girl. Rikki, has put some of the tracking devices in their cars and get informed me that they will be passing through the bridge highway and that is why our men are hiding there and they are fully armed." He explained further.

Gosh. I just thank God for giving me men with brains.

"How did you guys know that I will need you to do that?"

"We know that the girl is special to you that is why we hurried up to send some of us there."

I nodded in understanding.


He gave me an ipad and remote controller and I looked at him with a confused look.

"What is this for?" I asked.

"You can use the ipad to see on which direction the vehicles are heading. Also, Rikki our man is the one who is driving the car where the girl has been kept. He has also planted bomb on the rest of the vehicles. Therefore when they near us you will use this remote controller and blow them up. That will make us remain with only one vehicle and that is where the girl is. Inside the vehicle there are three men. One is ours hence remaining with the two. Unfortunately Raphael is not with them. Since Rikki will have a better view to shoot the two, he will do that came out with the girl."

Wow. Just wow.

"Impressive. I never thought that you guys could do anything excellent job without me. I know that you are the Leader and but not my second in command. If we succeed in rescuing the girl and killing Raphael maybe I will reconsider promoting you. But right now let us head to the bridge. "

He nodded his head.

I took out my weapon which included of pistols and daggers and fixed them properly in my body.

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