Chapter 8

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Issabelle pov

I woke up and wore my exercise outfit. Teaching Ria self defence is a good thing even though I know that she will always have guards whenever she goes.

I walked downstairs and found her sitter on the couch. 

"Morning Ria."

"Morning sis."

She likes to use that word cause it makes her feel that she really has a family.  

"You woke up very early today."

"Yaah. I know you still have to go to work hence I woke up earlier so that we can start the training."

"Ooh. That's nice. Let us go to the gym and start with simple exercises. The exercises not only help you in knowing self defense but also keeping fit."

"Ooh right. I know I will have a sexy body with good curves."

I laughed at what she said. I honestly understand her. At her age one only tries to have a good body shape so that you can attract men and get laid.

"Okay girl then get going if that what you really want."

We walked towards the gym.

"Wait, where are we going? I thought we are supposed to go to the gym and the house has to no gym."

I chuckled, shook my head and opened the door infront of us.

"You can go in your majesty."

She walked inside.

"Wow. Like who owns a gym in the house?"

"I of course."

She rolled her eyes at that.

"It is so beautiful. I will always come here when I want to get my anger out."

Ooh please no. If she becomes obsessed with the damn exercises, punches, she may end up becoming an assassin.

"Let us get started."

We walked towards the punching bags and I held one firmly.

"Show me what you can do. Start punching the bag."

She started punching. She used all of her strength leading her into getting tired so quickly.

"Just relax. Do not use all of your energy. It makes you to get tired quickly."

"Okay. "

She started once again. She had really improved.

"Good job. So let us get in the ring and try to punch me."


She tried to punch my rib but I got her hands. From how she punched someone, one could really predict what was her next move and could see her weaknesses. She did not shield herself from her opponent.

"Before starting to punch your opponent, try to study him and know his weakness. The way you are punching me, one can easily predict your next move and that can cause your defeat. Confuse the person. I mean you can bring your hands forward so that it seems that you want to punch him, he will definitely guard the parts in which your hands are directing but instead you kick him. This will take your appointment off guard. Never let one to predict your next move, be the one to predict his. Now let us start again."

This time, she really took me off guard. She is a fast learner and am really proud of her.

"That is very nice. Keep it up and always train even if am not with you."

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