Chapter 33

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Evans POV

My life in France has been actually fine. Having the woman you love by your side without my parents interfering is really fine.

I do not miss home but I do miss my baby sister. Even though we are not related, we have gotten quite along because of the way our parents have been treating us.

They are so greedy that they do not think about spending time with their children.

The only thing that they know is chasing after power which actually do not belong to them. I cannot claim that I hate them but I despise their actions. I wished all of my life that they could love us and spend even a day with us but no. They claim that if we want to play we have the guards, maids and the nanny who can do that with and if they meet the maids playing with us, dad always raped them and killed them afterwards that made no one play with us cause they are afraid.

At a young age I took up the responsibility of taking care and loving my baby sister cause I did not want her to feel lonely just like I felt during my childhood.

They knew our relationship had grown and still decided to send me here to france. I do not know why they hate her so much and yet take her in. But the good thing is that dad has never raped her cause he wanted her to remain pure so that he can get her married to one of his partners's son. I hope that by the time he does that I will be able to save her from the loveless arranged marriage with the stranger.

I cannot allow that to happen. She has gone through a lot of things and she needs a break from all this nonsense.

Since Ariana's niece were kidnapped in front of my eyes, I have been trying to investigate so that I can find them and take them back to their family. I love her so much and I can do anything for her. I picked a picture after the other which I had gotten from the cctvs footage in the area.

Something caught my eyes.
It was a tattoo one of the men had. I looked at my tattoo and their were similar.

The men were from the Mexican Mafia!
What the heck!
I know that they do not carry out anything if not told by my parents. But why did they take them? They are just kids. What will they achieve by kidnappings them? I had so many questions running on my mind.

Ding! I remembered him saying.


I woke up early in the morning and went for my usual daily ran. I always woke up and started doing exercises. As the next mafia leader I knew that I had to be fit so that I could be respected cause I knew that my father's name could not make people respect me. They hate him for all his actions. I plan that when I take over I will change everything rule made. I looked at the rules that the late Mr Rossi ruled his empire with and I was amazed at how he ruled. No wonder he was so respected and people feared them. I want to follow his steps. I do not know what happened to him and his family cause they were all found dead and my parents took the empire changing every single rule cause they did not want to be like him. They are just cowards.

After two hours of exercises I walked into the bathroom to take a warm shower before staying my day.

I cleaned myself thoroughly and even washed my hair with shampoo and later applied conditioner. Do not mind me. I just love my hair so much even though I am a man. My hair adds the handsome features I have. They are so soft and people are always jealous of it.

I did not feel like wearing suit today therefore I wore a dark blue lagged trouser and a white tee-shirt which had some drawings and the name dior. Again I love everything made from the door company. I got taste on fashion and which kinds of clothes I should wear in which event.

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