Chapter 11

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Adrian POV

"Don, you have a meeting with the spanish mafia leader in his house."

"Yeah. Am heading there now."

After thirty minutes I arrived in front of a beautiful mansion.

"Goodmorning Mr Russo." Mrs Moretti said.

"Goodmorning to you too.Where is your husband?"

"My husband is waiting for you in his office. I will lead you the way."


"Ooh, Adrian you are now a grown up." Mr Moretti said.

"Yes, I am and you are getting old each passing day."

"Yes that I am. Being a mafia leader is not an easy job. And having three tiring daughters and a wife."

I chucked at the last part. I hope I will meet them.

"So I wanted to make a proposal. I will be retiring in the next year and I want my daughter to have a partner whom will guide and support her."

What is he really trying to say?

"I cannot understand you . Do you mean..."

"What a marriage? Of course not. If I do that am sure her younger sister, my second born, will slaughter me. She doesn't like men who force their daughter into force marriage. Honestly she always try to help the girl to run away before the marriage, provide her with a fake ID and some money for use."

"Wow. I never really knew you had daughters and especially that kind of a daughter."

"I know. Not many people know I have three daughters. My first daughter did not like or want to be in such a life when she grows up. She changed that decision when she saw how her little sister enjoyed her training and the little girl convinced her that it is fun. Of course I know she really do know more about the mafia but she is a softy. I need another mafia to partner with us so she can know she has to do everything to protect the men serving her who also have a family.

Before I got a chance to answer we heard


That voice seems so familiar.

"Please don't tell me that she has just arrived and already started to make her mother mad."


I was so curios.

"My second daughter."

"Ooh. Why didn't you think that it may be an attack when she screamed?"

"She can take care of herself and besides she always has bodyguards 24/7. She is as cold and heartless as you are or even worse than you."

I chuckled as I remembered someone with the same characters.

"So feisty I guess."

We were already outside and the girl ran behind her father while her mother was chasing after her.

I heard Mr Moretti chuckled and shook his head. 

I bet this is what he was expecting.


So she is cold but she is afraid of her mother's punishment.

I had the urge to laugh when I heard what made them interrupt our meeting. I heard the soft voice again. She turned and I saw her face. Issabelle. She was scared of her parents but when she is outside people were afraid of her. I had really missed that voice and face.

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