Chapter 23

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Adrian POV

I was happy when I saw her.
The love of my life.
I just cannot believe that she has a twin sister and they have always been so close to each other even though they never knew that they were sisters.
I admire they love for each other. How they cared for one another when one of them is hurt. I do not know what her Isabella told her cause she has been quiet till then. I wish I can ease her pain. But whom am I kidding? I am not a God to be able to do so. She has been crying continuously since she walked downstairs with her suitcase. I want to kiss her badly.

"Issabelle can you please stop crying?"

"What? Just leave me alone. I hate you as much as I hate them."

"What have I done amore?"

My cold expression was changed into a sad and shocked one.

"You just took me away from the people whom I love and who love me back. We are going to Italy. I prefer staying with my twin."

"The place we are going people also love you."

"That is what you think. I trust no one apart from Issabelle, Samuel, baby Allan is still young, Ria, Eva, my little ones, Aurelia and Delia....shit."

Immediately she said those two names, Aurelia and Delia she placed her hand on her mouth. I bet they are supposed to stay as a secret to keep them safe but who are they? am so curious to know. I do not want to go behind her back and do anything investigation. I prefer her telling me when she trusts me again.

"It is okay if you do not want to me about them. I will wait till you trust me enough to tell me. I will provide you will all the privacy you need. I just want to protect you. You are in real danger cause Raphael knows who you really are. He has been searching for you. No one knows that you are with me apart from Isabella, Samuel, my parents and my right hand men who accompanied."

She looked at me with curious eyes. I punched her nose and she punched me.

"What was that for?"

"Do not dare do that ever again. I am not a baby idiot."

"There is my Issabelle. I really missed you amore."

"I did not miss you cause I have always looked at your eyes." she murdered to herself but luckily I heard that.

She is more mysterious than ever.
Whose eyes is she talking about?
What is going on?
Is there another man in her life?
Who is he? And why does he has the same color eyes as me.
I am in the mood to kill someone right now.

"Oooh big boss. Come down. Why are you so mad now? Weren't you the one who was so happy awhile ago? I really pity your moods Russo."
I chuckled.

"I am just mad and sad that you did not miss me as I did." I said while faking tears in which in return she laughed at me.
She had a beautiful laugh. I wished I could always hear it. But I know The cold her will emerge soon.
But since she left I have never heard a lot of rumors about The Enticer murdering people. Please do not tell me that she has become a softy? I do not want that. I love the feisty her, seeing her torturing people, the cold face and her threats which she always makes sure that she fulfilled them.
I am madly in love with her.
Does she love me?
If not, will she ever love me as I love her?

"Can you stop faking it cause you will not receive any pity or sorry from me. You are not my child that I will do that."

"What if I become one and I will always receive them?"
I winked her afterwards.

"You are unbelievable. Keep dreaming about that that is what you want."

She faced the window.

"Okay. Fine. I will not disturb you again."


She touched her necklace and later kissed it. Please tell that she is not beong emotional once again.

"Why did you stop killing?" I asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Why did you stop being an assassin?"


She tried to hide her shocked and amused face but she could not fool me.

"Why did you stop doing that Issabelle?"

"I was never an assassin."

"Ooh please. I know the truth. Your parents told me what you do and qho you are."

"What!! My parents are dead imbicille."

"I am sorry. I mean The Moretti's family."

"They are not my family. They are traitors."

"No they are not. You did not wait for them to explain. I will tell you the truth since I do not want anyone knowing where are you and who are with."

"Where are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Acting as if you care about me so much. Your eyes are even I do not need fake love that is caused out pity."

"I do not pity you amore. Let us stop talking about and let me explain the truth to you."



"I swear that I was not the leader who helped Raphael to kill Rossi and his family. We were in mexico that day cause we had been invited to the birthday party. The day before that special day, I received a message I can still show you cause I never deleted it since I knew that I will need it one day. It was a picture of him and his family. He had two daughters. We were best friend. He told me that he had a bad feeling that something might happen. I told my wife that we needed to go there soon and explained to her the matter. I called him, as we were speaking, I heard gunshots on the other side. I bet he hid the phone but he did not hung up. I heard what was going on the background, the rape and them being murdered. I thought that all of them were dead until I heard a girl's voice begging her father to stay strong for her sake. It happens that she was not in the house at the moment. She had gone to buy her mother a birthday gift. Rossi ordered her daughter to go and take everything in the safe and to ran away before they see her. She was also told not to go to any hotels she knew. That is when we went searching for her in different hotels till we found her. I did not have the courage to tell her cause how could I tell her that i was on the phone with her dad before they were killed? That I heard everything? I love her so much Adrian I can do anything for her happiness. I just need her back home. Where we can watch over her." Mr Moretti said.

Flashback ends

"What? Oh no. I did wrong by judging them."

"Yes you did. When all of this is over you should apologize to them."

"I will definitely do that."

She looked worried and at thought.

"I feel bad. I am the bad guy Adrian. What can I do to get their forgiveness?"

"You will earn it."

"I hope so."

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