Chapter 5

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Issabelle POV

I rolled my body in the bed only to feel a hard object in the bed.

What the fuck!

I opened my eyes and saw i was in a different environment.

Ooh, it is the handsome man that I can't get enough of.

I got out of the bed and picked my clothes. I found that they were all torn. Did he have to tear them? What did he think am going to wear? Bastard!!

I walked towards his closet and picked a black sweatpants and a gray hoodie and wore them.

I left the place and called for a cab and went to the club I was yesterday so that I can pick my car.

After arriving at home and went directly to the shower cause I was stinking.

My business phone started ringing don't I ever have a break?

"Hello, The Enticer speaking,"

"Hello,"a man on the other line said.

"I want someone dead. He will be at Negro Club tonight at 8. I am willing to pay 1million$ when you complete the job." He said.

"Okay, I will inform you when the work is done," I replied.

"Okay," he said and hung up the phone.

Thanks God today is on Saturday I do not need to go to the company.

I arrived at the club and saw my prey at the VIP lounge and I walked towards him but I sat at a distance.

I looked at him only to find him looking at me and biting his lips. I winked him and turned my eyes to the dancefloor.

" hello there beautiful, why can't we have some fun?" He asked.

"Of course," I said and smirked.

We walked to the bathroom and shut the door.

MATURE CONTENT AHEAD!! *Sex, kisses and murder*

He started kissing me roughly. That gave me an opportunity to remove my dagger on my thigh and stabbed him on his neck.

"," he asked.

"Its business," I answered and broke his neck.

I wrote E on his chest.

That's what I always do once I kill someone so that they may know that the person who did that was The Enticer.

I wiped everything that could led them to me and I walked out.

I had already hacked the CCTV cameras for fifteen minutes.

I heard a scream coming from the bathroom.

Seems someone has already seen the body.

I walked to the saloon and ordered a drink.

I typed to the man who had ordered for the death 'work done'.

Afterwards I walked out the club.

Immediately I walked into my bedroom, I walked towards the bathroom to clean.

After fifteen minutes I was out and I decided to check if I had some notifications in my laptop.

To say I was shocked will be an understatement. One of the Mexican mafia warehouses was blown up but no one knows who did it.

I really need to know who did it cause we can be good allies. As they claim, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. As I smirked at that.

At least am not the only person who is after them but whoever did that was a very powerful person cause Raphael has been quite since the incident.

I really can't wait to find and meet up with my supposed ally.

Afterwards I fell asleep.

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