Chapter 6

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Issabelle POV

I walked into my kitchen only to find it empty.


And am so damn hungry.

I decided to go to the nearby cafe and take my breakfast.

As I walked into the cafe, I heard some yelling from the kitchen but I decided not to interfere cause The Entire doesn't get into another people's business and I may cause a scene and that's the least I want right now.

"Excuse me ma'am, what can I serve you?" a soft voice asked.

I looked up only see tears in her eyes, I turned my gaze to her hands where I saw a red mark.

So she was the one who was being shouted at?

She also looked pale but was still beautiful.

She reminded me of myself after my parents died.

I feel pity for this girl but I honestly do not know how I should help her.

"Black coffee with less sugar and more milk please," I answered her.

"Right away ma'am,"

I wonder how she manages to be so polite and formal I don't think I can manage that yet she is still been abused here!

I heard some glass shatter and yelling in the kitchen.

I wonder what's going on. I just hope she is fine.

I just feel the need to protect her.

She seems eighteen. My sister could also have been the same age.

I promise that i will take care of her as my own sister.

She reminds me of her.

After a couple of minutes I saw someone placing my order at the table but it wasn't her.

That made me curious.

"Excuse, where is the girl who took my orders a few minutes ago?" I asked.

"," she said while stammering.

I bet she is afraid of something.

"What has happened to her ?"

Without even waiting for her to reply or thinking twice I rushed towards the kitchen and found the girl sitted on the floor crying.

I swear am going to kill whoever hurt her.

I hugged and and she started crying on my shoulders.

"Shh everything is going to be fine. I promise," I told her.

"No. Its not going to be fine. I have no place to call home and am been mistreated here. There is nothing which I do makes the manager proud. Am useless, " she said and continued weeping.

"No you are not. Leave him alone. He does not do between treasure and rubbish. You are a treasure and you should be tried as one."

"No am not. I have no family. No one wants me. Am useless."

At this moment I had already started crying.

Like fuck when was the last time I shed tears?

Right now I don't care whether she will know my secret if she lives with me.

I have already made my decision.

"You are coming with me. And you will be living with me," I told her.

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