Chapter 30

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Issabelle pov

I watched him smile and even laugh when he was watching those videos. It made my heart to flutter.
I wish that we will be a happy family in future even without Delia in our life, she will always be in our hearts.
I know for sure her death will have an impact in Lia's life. I hope she will continue to be the jovial girl she always is cause am afraid that it may ruin her moods and make her be a cold person. I do not want that for my baby. I opened my laptop and started my search.

I never saw any pictures of Raphael's daughter.
I decided to email Abby about that.

"Hae Abby."

"Who am I chatting with please."

"Issabelle. But please do not tell anyone that I contacted you."

"Wait. Is it for real? "

"Yes. It is."

"Okay. I will not tell anyone."


"So what's up."

"I need your help."

"Okay. Tell me."

"Why doesn't Raphael allow her daughter to be in public?"

"Honestly I do not know but I heard that she is adopted and he fears that her real parents might be searching for her and they might find her. Which he does not want cause he is planning on Making an arranged marriage for her."

"Oooh. Okay."

"Yaah. I really pity her. She has never walked outside of the mansion."


"Yes. I hope that I can get her out but I can't."

"What about her mother?"

"Which mother? She cannot be called a mother. The only person that cares for that girl is the maid and her brother. He loves her so much. Their mother is just as greedy as their father. She is even more self centered. Raphael cannot be able to accomplish anything without the wife. She is his idol."

"Okay. Thanks for the info."

"Welcome but why are you asking about that man. Don't you dare do something stupid Issa. He can kill you."

"What! you cannot understand me. He did not take anything from you but he did to me! He killed my parents, I do not know where my baby sister is. And today, he killed my child. My own daughter and yet you tell me to let him be? Of course not. You do not understand my pain. You do not understand the pain a mother went through watching her child being raped and then killed and do you know the worst part? He did all of that in front of my younger child. She watched her sister being raped and killed before her. So don't you dare tell me what is good or wrong with him. Ooh and if you dare tell anyone about anything we have just talked about I will personally kill you regardless of who you are in my life."

"Am sorry Issa I did not know. I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Good. Am off."

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