Chapter 17

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Adrian POV

As soon as I arrived at her mansion, I came out of the car and ran inside the house.

Everything was scattered. It was really a mess.

I searched all the bedrooms but their clothes were still on the closest.

I hated this feeling of being so useless.

I saw that they were some cctvs cameras and I decided to look for the CCTV footage room.

When I found it.

I replayed the video.

Her sister was sitting on the couch in the sitting room watching the tv while Issabelle was sitting at the kitchen counter eating her ice cream. I smiled at the way she ate with no stress or worries but my smile was soon erased.

Gunshots were heard coming from outside. That is when I realized a tattoo that one of the men had. They were Spanish mafia men. They dragged both of the girls outside and into a black SUV

I got mad. Who does this man think he is? Kidnapping what is mine as if she has no man to protect her? He might be the one who raised her but he lost all the respect and dignity when he hid the truth from her. If he truly cared for her, he could have informed her who her father was in the mafia and they were not only partners but also friend. He lost all that due to his greediness.

I will make him pay for taking my Issabelle away from me and all the things he has put her through.

I called Frank.

"I want fifty men immediately here at Issabelle's house. We are doing to attack the Moretti's mansion."

"Boss, is that really a good idea?"

How dare he question me!

Is he the leader? No.

"What? You do not want us to attack them? Or maybe you are working with them, are you?"

"What! Of course not brother. I can never betray you."

"Good to know. Now can you shut up and do what I have ordered you to do? And let me not remind you who the boss really is here Frank. I hate my decisions questioned. I do not care whether am making the wrong move or that my men will die. What I want is my donna back to me."

"Understood don. I will inform them and we will go and get our donna back."

"Hurry up. Ten minutes and you should be here."

"Okay don."

As I waited for them I went through Issabelle closet and sniffed her smell. I really miss her smell, her threats, smiles. I will make her mine immediately I find her and I will never let her go again.

She is mine and mine alone. No one else can have her. I will kill everyone if it is necessary to get her back. My queen, my love, my life, my donna, my everything.

I heard some cars stop and I got out of the house.

All of my man were standing there waiting for me.

"We are going to attack the Spanish Mafia leader's house. They have your donna and we must bring them back. I want all of you to cooperate."

"Yes don." They all said.

We drove towards their house with less than fifteen minutes.

As soon as I stepped out of the car and my men were also out, I shouted.


And immediately there were sounds of gunshots everywhere.

I am not sure whether they have been kept here but it was worth trying and looking.

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