Chapter 35

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Issabelle POV

I did not believe what I just saw. I bet I am not a good guardian but still i am proud of her. I walked out of the cell behind her. I saw Adrian walking towards us and I smiled at him.

"You know that you are very abnormal."he said.

At that my expression turned into a blank look and he shook his head at that.

"What! Why?"

"Who in their right senses comes out of a torturing and killing room while smiling."

I glared at him.
Before I got to answer him Ria said.

"Issa obviously. What do you expect from her? It is a pity that the girls took after her in those characters."

"What? Please do not tell me that the kids have been in the basement." He snapped.

Ria shrugged at his question but nonetheless she opened her mouth to reply him. That made me to chuckled and earning a glare from Adrian who also had a 'it is a serious matter and you are laughing' look. That made me to shut up.

"What? Are you afraid? Please do not be and yea they have been in the basement for a couple of times. You know they were so mischief. Let me tell you all a story about what they did in cell no 105."
I saw the guys trying to locate the cell.

"Nope. If you are looking for the cell then am sorry to disappoint you that it is in the second floor of the underground basement."

At that they had a shocked expression.

"Who the hell has a underground basement?" Mark asked.

"Us of course." Bella answered with a smirk.

"Why do you need an underground basement?" Frank asked.

"It is necessary in case of emergency and still that is where we lock the most important and dangerous prisoners  who might be rescued by their people." Samuel explained.

"Wait? So the people who were taken there by the kids were important or were they dangerous?" Frank asked.

"According to Aurelia, they were very very dangerous."I stressed out the word dangerous to emphasis on that.

They all chuckled.

"Just shut up Issa. I was the one who was narrating the story." Ria said.

I raised up my hands in surrender and shook my head. She has really changed a lot. She is not the quiet and shy girl anymore.

"Okay let us continue so where was I?" She asked herself and pretended to think.

"Ooh yaah i know remember. So the girls but not Lia and Li. They sent a nerd girl to go and call my babies. When they were on their way. They slide and fell they looked at what caused them to fall and saw that the was a tap which was broken and decided that they will try to fix it. But in reaching at the tap, they discovered that the tap was not broken but it was left open for some weird reasons. Just as they started closing the tap, paints fell on them and the girls who had pranked them came out of there hiding and started laughing at them. So the thing is the girls always claim that no one should prank or go against the Russo's sister so they also pranked them by telling the girls that they were hosting a party and the girls followed them to the basement thinking that there was a party. They locked the girls there the whole day. You know that in the underground basement every cell has cobwebs, cockroaches and even rats. So the sisters just watched the girls crying out their lungs in the monitoring room."

"What?" Adrian asked while the others were laughing out loudly. For instance Mark was even leaning against the wall as he laughed caused he lost his stability while laughing.

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